A Shameful Stain on Humanity: Rape and Violence against Women


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“Kolkata Shocked as Young Doctor Found Murdered, Rape Suspected” read the headlines on the front page of the national newspaper. Moumita Debnath, a resident doctor at RG Kar Medical College, was found in the seminar room half naked, with her eyes, mouth, and genitals bleeding. College authorities informed the family that the victim had committed suicide. Seriously? Who commits suicide with such a condition? Her legs were wide open, at 90 degrees, which means the pelvic girdle was broken. This bone is one of the strongest in the entire body.

Suicide is something that is committed under a strong mental toll like depression or anger etc. It’s impossible that it was a suicide. So, what are we, collectively as a society trying to hide? Why are we so determined to save such devils who do not care about anything other than their lust? Why are we so determined to make this world a hell for women?
Women are safe nowhere; Home, cafe, school, college, workplace, roads, or buses. It doesn’t matter what you have worn or what your age is. YOU ARE SAFE NOWHERE! You are bound to get harassed!

In the case of Nirbhaya, a 23-year-old girl, a physiotherapy intern was raped brutally on a moving bus in South Delhi. 6 men took turns to rape her and she was later thrown upon the streets to die. 1 was a minor and was released in 2015 after 3 years of imprisonment- the highest which can be given to a minor. Rest were hanged in 2020 after they were finally proven to be guilty of rape. What is worth noting is that why was the minor rapist released? When he was capable enough of raping a 23-year-old, when he was capable to let such heinous thoughts come to his mind then he was also bound to face the consequences.

But, he was let to roam free and probably to rape someone’s sister, daughter or wife again. Regarding the rest 5 rapist, they were hanged in 2020, Around 8 years later the cruel act they did. They lived through those years, though imprisoned, but with 3 times guaranteed meals, availability of water, and shelter. But I guess we all forgot that “Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied” and that we collectively failed as a society. Nirbhaya died but those rapists lived another 8 years. 


In year 2018, on average rape was reported every 15 minutes across the country. It’s important to note that this is an official report and unofficial data can be more disturbing. Various abuses never made up to the headlines. India is constantly struggling with high rape cases and low conviction rates. And it’s not only the victims or the abusers, but rather the whole society, it is you and me. We come from a society that constantly tries its best to save a girl or woman from such abuses but never tries to show the boys or men their limits, never tries to purify their thoughts. Why? Because we have already constructed a mindset that it is the fault of the victim. We never tried to find a solution but rather tried to ignore the problem as a ‘problem’


Not one or two people, but a whole major part of the society thinks that it’s the clothes of the women which ‘asked for such abuses’. It’s the clothes that attract men to them. But it’s not true! To those who think that clothes are the reason for such abuses, all I would want to ask is what kind of ‘short clothes’ was a 2-month-old wearing that she was raped. Or what ‘short clothes’ a 60-year-old was wearing or what attraction was caused by the uniform of a doctor that she was abused. It’s not the clothes of the victim but the eyes of the abusers.

People, on these matters, always advise women to cover themselves from head to toe along with the quote “Precaution is better than cure”. Forget about precaution, firstly tell us which ‘cure’ are you talking about. In today’s time, no cure is there. The only cure we can expect is some radical ways to punish rapists on the spot rather than waiting for years. Punish them so brutally that every other rapist gets goosebumps just at the thought of raping.


As said, women are safe nowhere. If you go out face rapes! Stay within-Domestic violence is waiting for you. Marriage is a holy bonding between 2 people who vow to live together; forever with love, compassion, and a sense of belonging. But marriage is no longer holy, and there exists no sense of belonging.

Every other day, cases of domestic violence are reported. Women are abused daily for various purposes. It starts with arguments and ends with bruises. Women, who have accepted their condition and sufferings, are buying makeup not because they like to use it – but because they have to hide the bruises. Whatever the reason is; children, love, or the emotion to save the family, she suffers not because she wants to but because she thinks she has to.

One of the most common things because of which domestic violence occurs is Dowry. The bride’s family gives lakhs of possessions and money to marry their daughter off. I ask, Why? She is a human, a dear daughter to her parents and a sister to her siblings who is leaving her house because she loves her husband and wants to tie knots. She is not an object or a thing that needs to be sold off. She is priceless and she should not be purchased. “Dowry is a silent killer that robs women of their dignity and sometimes their lives.”


Every year, an estimated 500,000 girls are lost to the brutal female feticide. Those girls could have grown to become life-saving doctors, law-loving bureaucrats, pilots, lawyers, or whatnot. They were killed before they could see the world.


Aisha, a vibrant young lady from a small village in Uttar Pradesh, India, aspired to become a doctor, but her family had different intentions. They held the belief that educating a girl was a waste of time and resources and were set on marrying her off at a young age. On the other hand, Aisha’s mother had a distinct vision for her daughter. She understood the significance of education and was ready to protect Aisha from the destiny that awaited many girls in their village.

When Aisha became pregnant, her mother insisted on a prenatal examination. It was during this check-up that the doctor disclosed that the fetus was female. Aisha’s mother was filled with fear as she knew her husband and in-laws would be devastated by the news. They had always hoped for a son to carry on the family name, but she was aware that female foeticide was both morally wrong and illegal. With a heavy heart, she made the decision to keep the pregnancy a secret and proceed with delivering the baby.

When Aisha gave birth to a baby girl, her family was enraged. They accused her of betrayal and threatened to disown her. However, Aisha’s mother stood by her daughter, offering her support. Aisha was resolute in defying societal expectations. She persisted in her education, working tirelessly to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor. Despite encountering numerous obstacles, she remained steadfast and eventually graduated from reputed medical school. Today, Aisha is a renowned doctor who is dedicated to helping women and children in her community. She uses her platform to raise awareness about the harmful practice of female foeticide and to advocate for the rights of women and girls.

Her story is a testament to the importance of standing up for what is right. One shouldn’t surrender if they are not wrong.


To all the fighting women, it’s not your fault. You need to fight back; if not for yourself then for other women who might be the next victim. If someone is constantly staring at you in the crowd, make sure you stare back so roughly that he takes his eyes away. If someone touches or tries to hold your hand, use that same hand to give a tight slap to him.

The world has been cruel to women. In Mahabharat, Draupadi also faced humiliation when Duryodhan tried to take her saree off. She was abused, But Shri Krishna saved her. But, no Shri Krishna will come to save you now, pick up your weapon and get ready to fight! Become as fierce as Maa Kali and be your own protector. Becoming “as fierce as Kali” doesn’t mean becoming aggressive or violent. It’s about embodying the qualities of strength, courage, and empowerment. 

But if time demands, do take the ferocious form because its not the thought that changes people, but rather the fear that changes them. Fight for your rights and do not let anyone do injustice to you. Remember, the biggest irony of our socity is that they spend thousands to please goddesses but later are found raping or harassing women. Stand up and create this world a better place for us.  As Mahatma Gandhi once said “Be the change you wish to see in the world”

Remember: Don’t let anyone dim your shine! Smile!


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