By: Krishika pandit

girl नज्जो
THE GIRL नज्जो
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Journey of a girl begins before she’s even born, sheltered inside her mother’s womb for nine months. During this time, she carries the hopes and dreams of her family, unaware of the prejudices and expectations awaiting her.

When she finally arrives, some families rejoice, while others feel disappointed if she isn’t a boy. In societies where boys are preferred, the news of a girl’s birth can bring sadness, especially when doctors sometimes lie about the baby’s gender to protect her from harm.

As she grows, she faces unfair treatment compared to boys. She might be teased and considered a burden, denied opportunities like education because of outdated beliefs about girls’ roles.

Her future often seems predetermined, with a rushed marriage arranged by her family. This process can be like a business deal, with the groom’s family expecting gifts or money (dowry), which further diminishes her value. Sadly, many girls endure abuse from their husbands, feeling trapped in a cycle of suffering.

In societies where a girl’s worth is tied to bearing sons and following strict traditions, many face terrible situations. Female babies are sometimes not even allowed to live, and violence related to dowry demands and sexual harassment is far too common.

Despite these challenges, there’s hope. With support from family and communities, girls can overcome obstacles and achieve great things if given the same chances as boys.

The solution isn’t just changing laws but also changing how people think. We need to challenge unfair beliefs and treat every girl with respect and fairness, regardless of gender.

For every girl facing injustice, there are countless others showing incredible strength and determination. They are the heroes breaking barriers and paving the way for a better future.

It’s not enough to talk about the problems girls face; we must take action. We need to stand up for girls’ rights, listen to their voices, and work together to create a world where they can thrive. When girls succeed, we all benefit, and the future becomes brighter for everyone.

By: Krishika pandit

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