5 Benefits of Having Custom Made Clothing

Source: Elle
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I am a big fan of custom-made clothing, so if you think they are unnecessary and expensive, read till the end, and you will know why custom-made clothing is always a better choice and worth every extra penny.  

There are a few people who believe that custom-made clothing should only be restricted to special occasions, and I just fail to understand why. This thinking is primarily triggered by its expensive nature but when in return, you are getting the quality that you desire – then isn’t it worth it?

So, before I start enlisting the benefits of custom-made clothing like mini dress, here’s a request: While reading this think-piece, keep an open mind with no preconceived notion, and then make an unbiased decision.

1.    Lasts longer and better

Like I said in the beginning, most people do not appreciate custom-made clothing as much as it should because of the price. But here is the thing, premium dressmakers and tailors recommend you to choose the best fabrics and materials, which explains the price.

Not only this ensures that the clothes last longer than others but the fact that they last longer with no tampering in the design or color. So basically, you pay a premium price for designer clothes that can survive almost a double lifespan than readymade clothes.

2.    No two people are of the same size

Even if two people wear the same size, their bodies aren’t exactly identical. So, if no two bodies are the same, how can the two people wear exactly the same dresses of similar fits. This is what explains the need for a custom fit.

Ever thought about why one person looks good in the same piece of shirt and the other doesn’t, even if you both are wearing the same shirt of the same size? This is because the size of the shirt suits him more than it does to you. No worries, you will not face this problem in custom-fit, custom-made clothing.

3.    Feel good about your body

Now, more than ever, people have been ghastly raising awareness on body positivity and custom-made clothing stands by it, way before it became trendy. For instance, let me take a readymade skirt that you purchased from a reputed brand like Zara. As I said, someone might look good with a 25-inch skirt, and the other person might look good with a 26-inch skirt depending on their body length. You can make the adjustments if you decide to go custom.

With custom clothing, you can also customize the sleeve lengths, skirt lengths, pant lengths, for the measurement that is perfect for you. This custom-fitting not only makes you look good but also makes you feel comfortable in your own skin, no matter the shape and size.

4.    Your own style statement

You want to have your own fashion statement that expresses your own personality, through your clothes. That being said, buying from stores means settling to pre-decided fashion trends, and joining the crowd. This also means you need to forget about establishing your own style statement.

Only when you decide to go custom, your tailor and dressmaker can design clothes for you depending on your choices, preferences, and ideas. In recent days, people have also started exploring custom tailoring online and in fact, have also been satisfied with the service. After all, now that everything is turning digital, why should the design industry be devoid of the benefits?

5.    Go traditional

Behind big shopping stores and brands and the millions of clothing options that they have you to offer, there are numerous stories of textile workers and laborers who are being mistreated, not being paid, and more.

Most of these details never make it to you but now that you know, you definitely don’t want to contribute to this ill-treatment. If you go for custom-made clothing, you will instead be able to support small business owners, tailors, and dressmakers.

Over to you…

I am not saying that shopping from malls and stores is wrong, but custom-made clothing is hands-down the better choice (for all the above reasons and more). And we all know, people wearing custom made clothing make heads turn, so why not?

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