William Shakespeare bloomed on April 23, 1564 to Mary Arden and John Shakespeare, in a place called Stratford-upon-Avon. His father was a respected man, a leather worker. He was the oldest surviving child to his parents. William Shakespeare is the older brother of 3 younger brothers, Gilbert, Richard, and Edmund. He was also suffering from a disease know as Bubonic Plague which is also known as Black Death.
His works regarding literature is echoed all over the world. He is a talented man. Everyone would have been came across his work once in their school days. Poems, plays, and sonnets of William Shakespeare is famous all over the world among readers and literarians . No other writer’s plays have been published as many times or read as widely in so many countries as his. Shakespeare’s poems and plays shows love for nature and rural life which reflects his childhood days.
William Shakespeare was about 7 years old, he began to attend the Stratford Grammar School with other boys from his social class. Students went to school for years round attending classes for nine hours a day. All the teachers were strict and disciplinarians. Stratford was an exciting place to live. Stratford also had fields and woods surrounding it giving shakespeare the chance to hunt and trap small game. The River Avon, which ran through die town, endowed him the title the Bard of Avon.In London, Shakespeare’s career took off all of suddenly. It is clearly analysed that he has become well known in London theatrical life by the year 1592. During that time, he has joined one of the diecity’s repertory theatre companies.
The world has gone through or came across and respected many great writers, but only Shakespeare has created such an enormous continuing interest. Shakespeare’s plays are shortly classified into its major Categories. Those are comedy, tragedy and history regarding concepts.
Three plays, which are in the category of comedy, are The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew and The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Three plays, which are is in die category of tragedy,which are Romeo and Juliet, Titus Andronicus and Julius Caesar,one of his famous creation. In the category of history,there are three plays, they are-Henry V, Richard II and Richard III.
Among his great writing, One of the most famous quotes from the book Hamlet written by Shakespeare is, “To be or not to be that is the question…? Whether this nobler in the mind to suffer and , the slings and there arrows of outrageous fortune, Or else to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing,and so end them.” This is l longest narrative poem, and maybe one of his most tragic, but the story Romeo and Juliet is right up there with Hamlet.Romeo and Juliet- That just shows you how effective and unforgettable Shakespeare’s writings are.
In everyday life we apply some Proverbs, and also behave and follow the Proverbs which we read or hear. Hear or some of the Proverbs of Shakespeare:-
- All that GLITTER is not GOLD.
- BREVITY is the soul of WIT.
- FAIR is FOUL, and foul is fair
Hover through the fog and filthy air.)
- If MUSIC is the food of love, play on.
- Now is the WINTER of our discontent.
- HELL is empty and all the devils are present here.
William Shakespeare’s work doesn’t end only with Proverbs, inspirational quotes, story books, dramas et.. Al.. His amazing thought process is immeasurable.
Famous quotes:-
- TO BE, or NOT TO BE: that is the question:-..?… -one of the longest one
- “This is all about: to thine(once own) own self be true, And it must be followed, as like the night the day, …
- “Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant ( Courage)never taste of death but once.” -Julius Caesar, in the Act II, Scene II. …
- “Men at some time are MASTERS of their fates”
There is no conclusion for shakespeare’s works. He has given equality to both men and women in his plays. His works are going to be cherished even for many years (no end). His eternal body reached heaven on 23:april: 1616 hometown Of Stratford-upon-avon at the age of 52.He has been more impressive for the forth coming writers.
…. A visible star …..
…..Thought invisible…..
By A. M . Vigna