When Life Feels Overwhelming: How to Find Balance Again?

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There are days or weeks when you do not feel like yourself. Some days, you end up feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and frustrated over small things. It might have happened to you, and if it has been happening more frequently than before, it is time to take a break.

Why? Because you are mentally and physically exhausted. A person has many responsibilities to complete, including their family, work, hobbies, and that of the community. If you get too busy in this and forget to take out time for yourself to rest and rejuvenate, this increases stress. 

When you are chronically stressed, it can lead to anxiety or even acute depression. If you don’t do anything about it soon, you can end up with severe depression or other mental illnesses, too. 

Therefore, it is necessary that when you start feeling there is an imbalance in your life. Or if you feel burnout, you give importance to rest. You need to refocus on yourself and align your values, ethics, and needs with each other. How? Well, starting with the below strategies is a good idea.

Tips for finding balance in life when it feels overwhelming

  • Be reasonable and realistic

It is so important that you stay reasonable and realistic. Yes, you may want to accomplish many things. But remember there are limited resources, time, and money, and most importantly, you are one person. 

So, it is okay to take a breather. You cannot run after perfectionism and achieve everything at once. Give it time, give yourself time, and things will start to look better soon.

  • Breathe deeply and take a step back

Sometimes what is overwhelming you is a situation or a person, or sometimes it hits you out of the blue. During such instances, the best thing to do is start doing breathing exercises. 

Yes, it is one of the best ways to regulate your nervous system and send the message that you are not in danger. Deep breathing or box breathing is known to provide quick relief from anxiety. If you continue doing them every day, you will be more in control of your emotions. Also, if there is a situation or a person making you overwhelmed or anxious, step away from it. For instance, if you are at work and a colleague is being disrespectful or work is too overwhelming, take a break, go outside, walk, and clear your head. This will make things better.

  • Ask for help

It is totally okay to ask for help. If getting anxious or overwhelmed with whatever is happening in your life is a one-time or two-time thing, call a loved one. Or go meet them and give them a hug. It will do miracles to ground you and make you feel better. 

However, if you have been noticing that you are getting overwhelmed by the little things and anxiety is keeping you from living your life, it is time to find a professional. 

For instance, if you are having relationship issues with your partner and it is overwhelming you, affecting your work, and more. You can head to Penrith Counselling & Relationship Counselling. They have the best experts guiding you through this challenging time and showing you the way.

  • Be kind to yourself

Know that getting overwhelmed is normal, whether it is the small things or big ones. So, do not beat yourself up for this. Do not think of yourself as weak or too emotional. There is no such thing! Be kind to yourself because if you abandon yourself at this moment, nobody else will be able to help you.

  • Remember, it is okay to say no

If you take on more responsibilities than you can complete well, you will feel overwhelmed. Therefore, it is best to take control of your life. This can mean you might have to say ‘no’ to a few things. 

You can make a list of things you can and cannot do and say ‘yes’ accordingly. As the saying goes, ‘You cannot pour from an empty cup,’ so it is necessary that you stop people-pleasing and learn to say no.

  • Give priority to rest

Before things become so bad that you feel overwhelmed, it is necessary that you schedule some rest time. Rest always does not mean ‘sleeping.’ It can also mean gardening or listening to music or painting and more.

Ending note…

Life is never easy; you have to make it easy with the support of your loved ones and believing in yourself. If you get overwhelmed, know it is normal, and you can take some time to yourself to recharge and feel better. 

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