Violence Against Women In India

By: A. Adhil Mohamed

Domestic Violence young woman cuddling cat on couch
Domestic Violence
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Violence against women in India is going side by side to the technological improvement in modern world in the country. Violence to the women is of various types and can happen at any place like home, public place or office. It is the big issue related to the women which cannot be ignored as it is hindering almost one half growth of the country. Women in the Indian society have always been considered as the things of enjoyment from the ancient time. They have been victims of the humiliation, exploitation and torture by the men from the time of social organization and family life.

From the origin of social life in the country various centuries came and gone, time has changed people’s mind and environment a lot, however violence against women is not seems to change a little bit. Time is the real eyewitness of all the sufferings (like sex discrimination, exploitation, oppression, aggression, degradation, humiliation, etc) bear by the helpless women. Women are so helpless in the Indian society where many female goddess are worshiped. In the Vedas, women are glorified as mother means one who can create and nourish a life. On the other hand, they have found themselves suppressed and subjugated by the men in the patriarchal society.

Violence against women can be domestic as well as public, Physical, emotional or mental. Women have fear of violence in their mind which causes the lack of participation in various areas of life. Fear of violence in the women mind has been so deep which cannot be out easily even after complete removal of violence against women in the society.

There are many violence against women in India because of the male dominated society here. Women generally face various kinds of crime like dowry death, sexual harassment, cheating, murder, girl child abuse, robbery, etc. Violence against women which counted as crimes under the Indian Penal Code are rape, kidnapping and abduction, torture physically and mentally, dowry deaths, wife battering, sexual harassment, molestation, importation of girls, etc. The cases of violence against women is increasing day by day and becoming too broad.

The meaning of term violence is striking someone physically and causing injury. It may involve verbal abuse or psychological stress without the actual hitting which cause injury to the mind and harm the reputation. Rape, murder, abduction, kidnapping cases are criminal violence against women however dowry deaths, sexual abuse, wife battering, maltreatment at home or offices are the cases of domestic violence against women. Some of the social violence cases against women are eve-teasing, forcing wife or daughter-in-law for the female infanticide, forcing widow to commit sati, etc. All the violence against women are affecting the large section of the society.

Violence against women in the country is getting more frequent and alarmingly with huge sound. It is creating pressure and and heavy responsibility over the shoulders of social workers. However, there is urgent need for women to be empowered and responsible to themselves in order to understand all the rights and take benefits.

Indian Law against Violence against Woman

India has a number of laws to protect women from violence, including: 

  • Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005: This law protects women from all types of violence within the family, including physical, sexual, emotional, and economic abuse. It provides civil and criminal remedies, including the right to reside in a matrimonial home, economic relief, and temporary custody of children. 
  • Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956: This law addresses the issue of immoral traffic. 
  • Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961: This law prohibits the practice of dowry. 
  • Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987: This law prevents the practice of sati. 
  • Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION and REDRESSAL) Act, 2013: This law addresses sexual harassment in the workplace. 
  • Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986: This law prohibits the indecent representation of women. 

Despite these laws, many women in India face violence and do not report it due to fear of retaliation, lack of trust in the system, or perceived inefficacy of the legal process. Corruption within the legal and law enforcement systems can also undermine efforts to address crimes against women

Types of Violence against Women

There are many types of crimes that come under the category of violence against women. Some of the most common forms of violence against women committed in India are listed below-

1) Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault on a woman refers to the situation where a person intentionally makes inappropriate physical contact with a woman without her consent or forces her into a sexual act. It is a sexual violence and includes crimes like – rape, drugs induced sexual assaults, child sexual abuse and groping.

2) Domestic Violence

Domestic violence against women is carried out in a domestic environment. Many cases of domestic violence in India’s patriarchal society go unreported. It includes physical abuse of a woman, by her in laws, husband or relatives. Social evils like dowry system, gender inequality are primarily responsible for domestic violence against women.

3) Honor Killing

Honor killing refers to the murder of a family members who has supposedly brought shame to the family by going against the family’s will on issues like arranged marriage, by choosing a partner from other caste or in some cases by committing adultery.

4) Forced Prostitution

Throughout India cases of young girls going missing are continuously reported. These girls are supposedly lured on the pretext of securing a job or earning money and send to other states and subsequently forced into prostitution.

Causes of Violence against women in India

1) Patriarchal Society

Indian society is male dominated society where women don’t have the rights to make major decisions related to the family. Moreover, researches revealed that almost 60% of males in India think that women in the family must be beaten from time to time. This societal setup always keeps women at a vulnerable position.

2) Family Factors

Domestic violence committed on a woman has a tendency to be carried over to the next generation. A child who watches his father physically abusing his mother is most likely to do the same to his wife when he grows up. Nuclear families have more reported incidents of violence against women as there is no elder person to intervene and settle the matter.

3) Liquor consumption

Regular consumption of liquor by the husband is prime cause for violence against women in a family. Alcohol is not only responsible for domestic violence against women but also crimes committed against women outside the houses. Alcohol stimulates the offender’s or victims cognitive skills, fuelling the violence.

Solutions and Preventive Measures

Some of the major solutions to curb violence against women are listed below-

1) Increased Police Vigil

Police vigil must be increased in all the areas, especially in the secluded areas during night. Police presence significantly reduces the chance of a woman getting assaulted or harassed by others on the road. Police officers must be deployed at crowded places like markets, as the women at these places are more susceptible to crimes like eve teasing or groping.

2) Community Initiative

Initiatives taken by the community itself towards curbing violence against women, is the best way to counter domestic violence and as well as other crimes against women. The Nari Adalat program introduced in Uttar Pradesh by Department of Education has proved instrumental in reducing domestic violence against women.

3) Safe Transport

Many acts of sexual violence against women are committed in trains or buses mainly during late hours. Offenders take advantage of the secluded vehicle and absence of police personnel. There is a need to deploy at least one woman police constable in buses or rail coaches during late night hours.


Violence against Indian women is a blot on the nation and the society as well. As long as the Indian women are subjected to violence, the international image of India is also going to suffer. Also, incidents of domestic violence, sexual assaults and other similar crimes on women will continuously damage Indian society and obstructs national progress. Therefore, it is imperative to take stringent counter measures to diminish any kind of violence against Indian women.

By: A. Adhil Mohamed

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