By: Jimi Bora

Violence Photo: Centre for Integral Health
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“ Rape is not just a crime; it is an act of violence against the very essence of a person’s being.”


Violence against women is a pervasive issue that transcends historical epochs, manifesting in various cultural contexts and social structures throughout history. This study examines the trajectory of violence against women from ancient civilizations to contemporary society, highlighting its alarming persistence and the urgent need for systematic reform. Historical analysis reveals that violence against women has roots in patriarchal systems, legal codes, and societal norms that have continuously marginalized women’s rights and autonomy.

In ancient societies, women often faced violence as a tool of control, evidenced by customs such as forced marriages and honor killings. As societies evolved, so did the manifestations of violence, from domestic abuse in medieval times to the systemic sexual violence witnessed in wartime contexts. The industrial revolution and subsequent societal changes brought about new forms of exploitation, including trafficking and sexual slavery, which continue to plague modern landscapes.

Contemporary statistics paint a grim picture: according to the World Health Organization, approximately one in three women globally has experienced physical or sexual violence, primarily perpetrated by intimate partners. Cultural stigmas surrounding reporting, inadequate legal protections, and gender inequality compound the issue, creating an environment where survivors are often silenced or blamed.

This study underscores the urgent necessity to prioritize interventions against violence toward women, advocating for comprehensive policy reforms, community awareness, and educational initiatives that address the underlying attitudes and systemic structures perpetuating gender-based violence. By drawing on historical insights and contemporary analysis, this research aims to illuminate the critical need for collaborative efforts to combat this societal epidemic, ultimately fostering safer environments for all women and supporting their rights to dignity and autonomy.


“Each act of rape is an attempt to silence the voice of the victim, but together, we must rise and amplify that silence into a roar.”

The term violence itself is capable of providing a negative pictorial representation in everyone’s mind. It may happened to anyone by anyone on any cause, irrespective of considering the losses incurred. However, in every sort of violence, women become the immediate prey, which is seen throughout human history. No doubt human is considered to be a rational animal, but the women’s conditions in contemporary times left us behind animals. So, simply speaking, violence against women remains a significant barrier to achieving true gender parity and human rights for women worldwide. It is a pervasive and multifaceted issue that transcends cultural, geographical, and institutional boundaries.

Everytime a person open up his mobile phone, surfing google or studying current affairs, endless articles and news are in the limelight focusing on the progress and technological advancements. Are we really progressing or is it that worthy? Human resource is considered to be greatest wealth of a nation. But what happens when the woman is tear away apart from the core element i.e. dignity?

Our great epics like Mahabharata stands as a testimony of the consequences when women’s dignity is at the stake. The character of Draupadi plays a crucial role in rallying the Pandavas and instigating the war against the Kauravas; her calling out for justice highlights the necessity of addressing women’s voices in matters of honor and morality. But what is happening in current scenario? Where are the justices for those unheard voices? Doesn’t this crippled the real human beings?

It is seen like that being in Kalyug, where gods and demons reside in the same body, we people are more inclined towards the evils. We never give a second thought before doing some wrong to others.

Women is the immediate prey to every form of suppression. It’s greatest evidence is find during the 1947 partition. The phenomenon of rape during Partition not only underscores the impact of conflict on women’s bodies but also highlights the intersection of gender, nationalism, and community identity in a time of extreme societal upheaval. Rape was often weaponized against women of rival communities as a form of humiliation and a means to assert power.

Rape was not only perpetrated by individual men but also sanctioned and, in some cases, institutionalized by groups seeking to assert their dominance. The systematic approach taken towards sexual violence served to reinforce the notion of honor associated with community identity. Instances of women being abducted, raped, and subsequently forced into marriages were rampant, as families sought to reclaim their “honor” by keeping women within community control.

Notable authors such as Urvashi Butalia in her book The Other Side of Silence highlight women’s experiences, emphasizing their struggles for recognition amidst collective historical narratives. The voices of survivors reflect the enduring impacts of trauma that linger long after the violence subsides, shaping their identities, relationships, and cultures.

India has witnessed several notable rape cases that have garnered significant media attention and sparked widespread public outrage, leading to discussions on the legal system, societal attitudes, and women’s rights. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), in 2020, there were 28,046 reported cases of rape which shows an increase compared to the past years.

Here are some of the most highlighted cases:

1. Nirbhaya Case (2012)

On December 16, 2012, a 23-year-old woman, later referred to as “Nirbhaya,” was brutally gang-raped and assaulted on a moving bus in Delhi. The attack was heinous, resulting in severe injuries that eventually led to her death. The case triggered massive protests across India and highlighted issues of women’s safety and gender violence. It led to substantial legal reforms, including the introduction of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, which strengthened laws against sexual violence.

2. Unnao Rape Case (2017)

A young woman alleged that she was raped by a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) legislator in Unnao, Uttar Pradesh. Despite her attempts to seek justice, she and her family faced threats and intimidation. The case drew national outrage, especially after the survivor was involved in a road accident that was alleged to be orchestrated by the accused’s associates. This case highlighted issues related to political power dynamics and the accountability of elected officials.

3. Kathua Rape Case (2018)

 An eight-year-old girl from a nomadic community was abducted, raped, and murdered in Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir. The case involved multiple accused, and the crime was portrayed as an attempt to drive out the Muslim community from the area. The brutality of the crime sparked nationwide protests demanding justice. The incident led to debates about communal tensions, access to justice for marginalized communities, and the need for stronger protections for children.

4. Hyderabad Veterinarian Case (2019)

A young veterinarian was raped and murdered in Hyderabad. Her body was found burnt under a culvert, following her abduction while she was on her way home

5. Gang Rape of a 15-Year-Old Girl in Mumbai (2021)

A video surfaced showing the brutal gang rape of a 15-year-old girl in Mumbai’s Malad area, leading to widespread outrage. Reports suggested that the incident was filmed, further compounding the psychological trauma for the victim.

6. In a shocking turn of events in 2021, a Delhi case involved a woman who alleged that her boyfriend raped her after promising to marry her. This case raised critical discussions about consent in relationships and the legal interpretations of sexual assault

7. A 44-year-old woman was gang-raped in Nashik, Maharashtra, and her family was attacked when they attempted to fight back against the assailants. This highlighted the issue of communal violence and the need for better protective measures for women and active responses from law enforcement.

8. Kolkata Rape – Murder Caseevolved

Dr. Moumita Debnath, one of the trainees in R.G. Kar Hospital, was murdered and raped brutally. The incident took place on 9th August. Following this incident, massive protests got ignited from doctors as well as various political parties seeking justice for the victim, and demanding transparency while dealing with the case. So, the government was compelled to passed a bill in the name of Aparajita on 3rd September. The bill states that capital punishment would be provided to the rape offenders. But the condition is so worse that justice seekers are asking to resign the concerned authorities if they’re unable to solve the case.

9. Nagaon Rape Case, 2024

Amidst the massive outbreaks on the former example, a minor girl was being gang raped in Assam’s Nagaon district. Within the same month, two such cases came to the forefront in this region.

Although generalizations have been made to find out the causes for sexual violence, but it varies in every incident. Such of these reasons may include, but not limited to, are:

1. Societal attitudes and norms play a pivotal role in perpetuating violence against women. In many cultures, patriarchal structures and traditional gender roles reinforce the notion of male dominance and entitlement over women, fostering an environment where violence is tolerated or justified. Further, cultural acceptance of harmful practices, such as honor killings, female genital mutilation, and child marriage, further illustrates the normalization of violence against women.

2. Economic dependency is a significant factor contributing to violence against women. When women lack access to financial resources, education, and employment, they may feel trapped in abusive relationships due to fear of financial instability.

3. The correlation between substance abuse, particularly alcohol and drugs, and violence against women is well-documented. Substance abuse can impair judgment, increase aggression, and lead to impulsive behavior, often resulting in violent acts against intimate partners.

4. Inadequate legal frameworks and enforcement mechanisms often leave women vulnerable to violence. Many countries lack comprehensive laws addressing domestic violence and sexual assault, while law enforcement agencies may be unresponsive or biased in handling such cases. Moreover, social stigma surrounding victims of violence can discourage reporting and seeking help, perpetuating the cycle of abuse.

5. Limited education and awareness about human rights, gender equality, and available support services contribute to the prevalence of violence against women. Women who are unaware of their rights may feel powerless to assert themselves against violence and abuse.

However, our society is tend to alleged a woman for the cause on various grounds, but below given collage of some newspaper clips discard all these , making them nullified. Each time the victim is being questioned and harassed mentally on various basis, but a close reading of these clips show the overall different side.

One of the possible measure to diminish this evil happening is the strengthening of Indian Legal System. If the law is formulated in such a way that it shivers the nerves of the wrong doers and forces them to think a thousand times before committing such a heinous crime. Due to delay in judgements as well as the repeated interrogation rounds, many a times victim does not dare to come forward and seek justice. Therefore, it is aptly seen nowadays that justice delayed is justice denied

Implementing measures to expedite legal proceedings in rape cases, minimizing delays and reducing the trauma experienced by survivors in pursuit of justice.

Although it has evolved to address the rising incidents, especially aftermath of 2012 Delhi gang rape case, but it took a long time to deliver the verdict. The introduction of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 marked a critical step forward, broadening the definition of rape and increasing penalties for offenders. Notably, this legislation included provisions for the death penalty in cases of gang rape and stringent punishment for various forms of sexual assault.

The whole system should be changed in such a way that it never fails to serve justice to the victims as it will boost up strength in the citizens. On the other side of this, it should also be ensured that no one misuses the law for some other grudges by filing a complaint in regards of rape.

Another important strategy to reduce such cases is education and awareness programmes. By implementing educational campaigns that raise awareness about gender equality, women’s rights, the society would be well informed to challenge ingrained stereotypes and promote respectful relationships. If such initiatives are given at an early age, it will play a pivotal role in fostering attitudes of respect and equality from a young age.

Building community networks to support victims of violence is another important strategy. It can create safe spaces and encourage reporting. Collaboration between government agencies, NGOs, and community organizations can effectively address violence against women holistically. Encouraging community members to stand against violence, offer support, and hold perpetrators accountable contributes to changing societal attitudes.

Mahasweta Devi, a renowned writer, wrote a very provocative short story which would shiver each reader with its most inhumane portrayal of a woman suffered from physical assault. Written against the backdrop of Naxalite movement, the story encapsulates the details of the protagonist, Dopdi Mehjan, who fought for herself. Despite being ashamed of her condition due to brutal rape throughout night, she appeared naked in front of the officials, thus creating a horrific scene for every spectator. When she was asked to wear her clothes, she clearly denied. Each word in the story is heavily loaded and according to various scholars, this Dopdi acts as a resemblance of the epic Draupadi, who was humiliated. Although various differences lies, but both of them stands for herself while others behaved like a blind.


Violence against women remains a pressing global issue that requires immediate and sustained action. Understanding the underlying causes is vital for developing effective prevention strategies that empower women, challenge societal norms, and promote gender equality. By adopting a multifaceted approach that involves education, legal reform, economic empowerment, and community engagement, we can work towards eradicating violence against women and building a society where all individuals can live free from fear and violence. Ending violence against women is not only a moral imperative but essential for achieving social justice and equality for all.

The Indian legal system’s approach to rape cases highlights both progress and significant challenges. While legislative changes have introduced important protections for survivors, systemic issues, including societal stigmas, judicial inefficiencies, and inadequate support services, continue to undermine these developments. A concerted effort to reform the legal and societal landscape surrounding sexual violence is essential to foster an environment where survivors feel empowered to speak out, and justice is both served and perceived as attainable. Only then can India move towards effectively combating rape and ensuring the rights and dignity of all individuals are upheld.

By: Jimi Bora

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