The World Humanitarian Day

By Sudarshan Kumaresan Muthuselvi

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“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” – Dalai Lama, is one of the most salient words that proves, humanity still exists. But the question arises, “how far ?” Humanity is not just a word that is to be given out for no reason, it is an emotion bestowed upon we beings for some reason, that is to be taken inside and exhibited with an optimistic demeanour.

      Humanity is considered to be one of the finest beliefs, that every single being needs to follow in today’s world and for the upcoming future, too. Apparently, this beautiful and divine characteristic in humans seems to be fading away from reality. People started becoming apathetic about the environment and more concerned with the materialistic universe. At times, it does not make any difference, but it does make human beings in wavering away from their responsibilities and dissipating the cause for their origin. Humanity is the only religion that not only uplifts the development of not a single nationality, but the entire area under the existence of all the living organisms, but also creates a distinct bond within the society.

       Signifying the importance of humanity and creating a sense of camaraderie among human beings, ‘The World Humanitarian Day’ is being celebrated globally, on 19th of August every year, with great compassion and brotherhood. This day is delegated in memory of the 19 August 2003 bomb attack that took place on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, where 22 people were brutally assassinated, including Sergio Vieira de Mello, the chief humanitarian, in Iraq. In the year 2009, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed this day, officially, as the World Humanitarian Day. Besides the reason behind the proclamation of this auspicious day, the World Humanitarian Day also reminds us about the responsibilities that were obliged upon us and also about our genesis. This day preaches us of not getting bogged down by our obligations within the 24 hour time period and always remember them untill the final breath. This auspicious day brings many of our kind altogether, in order to stay united eternally. The World Humanitarian Day, is a day of remembrance for all the consequences that we humans have faced during crises due to lack in knowledge about our own cause. This day is also celebrated to memorialize all the humanitarian workers and real-life heroes who have always stepped forward to help the others at the most extreme conditions. All health workers who work insanely hard, to provide life-saving support and protection to the people, who are in most need, are honoured and glorified with great respect on this day.

Looking at the current situation, humanity has become the most important element among human race. Due to the ever increasing threat level as well as the mortality rate all across the globe, it has become essential for each one of us to stay united, by staying away from each other. That seems to be a contradicting statement, but it is the truth. Staying united does not mean to stay physically together all the time, rather it is defined as staying mutually connected with one another’s thoughts and emotions. This would be a veracious situation to test the true duties of human beings and also their intelligence to tackle this catastrophe. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a deadly and distasterous nightmare that has been haunting us and preying upon each one of our kind for a long period of time. The solution for this problem has been provided by staying indoors and maintaining social spacing among each other. This is what is known as staying united, by staying away from each other, where the thoughts and feelings are interconnected ,living distantly.

The World Humanitarian Day, prepares each and every being for any kind of crises, for which this pandemic remarks as a vital example. This Day is one of the most important occasion which brings every single human being altogether towards the most virtuous path and also towards the answer for the question about the existence of we, humans. We began to understand who we actually are and the reason behind our continuance. ‘Mentor’ could be an excellent synonym for this day, as it comprises of all the qualities of a rav. Ergo, the one special day that we celebrate altogether is the ‘World Humanitarian Day’.

Moreover, concluding with a short poesy-

                   Be Human !

Be human, that is what we actually are,

think wise, integrity is not too far.

A question may consist a million ways out,

‘Humanity’, at the top solution could be,

which require great deed and stout.

By Sudarshan Kumaresan Muthuselvi, Maharashtra


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