The Price of Vengeance

By Aqsa Javed

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I toiled through the merciless years,

yearning to get you.

Finally, here we are, after this sordid play of affairs,

and you will pay a debt long overdue.


A naïve little girl, playing in the streets,

with dreams in her eyes and laughter that echoed.

You came along, promising me treats,

and inflicted so much pain that I collapsed.


Our lives changed from that day on.

You sent to jail; I cursed to live in hell.

A living corpse, the child was long gone.

Every other man reminded me of your rotten smell.


Day after day, I cried myself to sleep,

ostracized for no fault of my own.

The scars never healed, went soul-deep,

as I burned in resentment alone.


Years passed; the grudge did not fade.

Put on a disguise, a brave facade with hidden intentions,

while waiting for the moment when my patience will get paid,

ending my pursuit for vengeance.


Once you finished your sentence,

it was easy luring you in Demons never change;

they wait till they can start anew.

Enough to put your head in a spin was the appeal of a young woman inviting you.


A smile creeps through my face as I unsheathe my knife.

Undone by the spiked whisky, you struggle to stay awake.

No longer will you torment anyone;

today ends your life’s strife.


Your life is finally mine to take.

I slit your throat and watch you bleed,

you writhe and struggle with all your might.

The chains shattered, my spirit freed,


as I watched you turn from red to pink

and finally white But when I accidentally catch my reflection,

drenched in the blood of my prey,

Only then did I realize, the quest for revenge led me astray and a demon was born in place of the one that died.

By Aqsa Javed

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