The Possessed Mind

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“Why? Why me? Just go away”, Jay screamed. A nurse came in and asked jay

“Why are you screaming? There is no one in the room and with whom you are talking?  Jay was terrified and said “Can’t you see him? He is right in front of you and he will kill you too”. The nurse asked “Who?”

Lucifer”, jay answered.

She consoled him and left the room. Jay was being treated in a mental asylum.

 Now, who is Lucifer? Lucifer was the kind of devils. First, he was a wise and glorious Angel created by God but after some time he and his followers got expelled from heaven due to his deeds and then Lucifer started ruling hell and this is how a Morning Star became The Fallen Angel according to mythology. But why jay took his name?

This story started a little earlier in 2017 when technology brought the world just a click away and 19 years old jay was obsessed with the internet though he was a smart, clever, silent, and sensitive boy. Once he visited a theater to watch a horror movie with his friends and here it all started. That movie triggered his interest in supernatural things. He went home and without talking to anyone he started his laptop and opened YouTube and started exploring horror movies. Then it encouraged jay to dig deep into the reality of horror movies and within a week he got obsessed with the world of supernatural stuff. He started watching videos on ghosts and demons on YouTube, he followed channels related to horror things on Instagram, Facebook, etc. he started skipping meals, classes and he just would explore blogs, vlogs, podcasts, late-night shows based on hauntings.

After a week his friends visited him to see if he is okay. They chilled out and asked why he was not going to his classes and not even meeting anyone. Jay started telling everyone about the research he did on demons. He was telling his friends that some of the horror movies we watch are based on true events and he told about Ed and Lorrain Warren also. They were America-based Paranormal Investigators and they investigated some paranormal cases which later led to the creation of movies like Annabelle and Conjuring. His friends found it fishy because the way was explaining these things was not normal and jay was obsessed to that level where he changed the number plate of his bike to 666 and also he kept 666 as the password of his phone and social media accounts. And 666 is considered as the number of the devil.

One day jay was exploring details about the movie “The Oman”. This movie is considered the cursed movie of all time because, during the shooting, crew members witnessed some paranormal activities on the set and some creepy things happened with the producer, director, and special effect designer. Jay was getting drowned in these things and Jay’s parents noticed something weird about his behavior like he used to talk to himself, he was getting violent than ever before but they ignored it because they already were stressed out because of their jobs.

He used to search everything related to haunted things all day and so web browsers too started giving him related recommendations. One day he got a recommendation about Anneliese Michel, he clicked it and started watching her life story. 67 exorcism rites were performed on her before she died in 1976.

She was born in 1952. Sources say that she was possessed by 6 demonic spirits and Lucifer was one of them and her life became miserable. But medical science says she died because of malnutrition. A clip of her exorcism got viral on the internet and jay too listened to that clip where Anneliese was shouting and speaking in a heavy voice. Jay was becoming impulsive day by day.

One day he was doing something on his laptop and suddenly he sensed someone behind him but when he turned there was no one and so he again headed towards his laptop where he saw a picture of Annelise on the display and suddenly her voice started running in her mind slowly then loudly. Jay was terrified he started shouting he put his hands on ears and meanwhile he saw a blurred shadow of his mom, she was saying something and he opened his eyes and realized it was a nightmare. His parents got scared so much. After some days again something happened that left his parents dumbfounded. While sleeping jay was chanting some lines,

                                    “The elder sister vomits blood,

                                     The younger sister’s breathing fire,

                        While sweet little Tomino just split up the jewels, all alone

                                    Does Tomino go falling into the hell”

His parents were not able to figure out the meaning of these lines. These lines are from the poem “Tomino’s Hell” written by a Japanese writer Saijo Yaso. This poem is considered a cursed poem and many people claimed that whoever reads this poem something ominous happens. Jay already had read this poem and something weird was happening with him too. Someone was controlling him.

 The next day his parents consulted a psychiatrist and the doctor said his medical reports are normal and such things happen because of stress and he will be fine just send him out. Then his parents sent him on vacation with his friends. There also he kept reading about ghosts and he read about the mysterious death of

Gaurav Tiwari”. He was an Indian paranormal investigator and it is said that some demonic spirit killed him. Further, he read about the game “Ouija Board”.

This game was introduced to call the spirits of dead soldiers during the world war. And so many people claimed that they faced ghosts after playing this game. Now, this left him curious enough that somehow he managed to convince his friends to play this game. They brought the board played the game and nothing happened with anyone except Jay. Jay saw a spirit of a demon. From that day he started exhibiting bizarre behavior.

Jay’s behavior was getting worst day by day. He would start screaming suddenly or he would go in front of the mirror and start talking to himself. He was claiming that someone chases him wherever he goes, someone has kept eye on him, someone is hitting him, etc. he said he was able to see a dead person on his bed, chair, ground. Whenever he had been taken to any shrine he would just run away screaming. And once he said that he is possessed by “Lucifer”

He said when he played the game he had called Lucifer and now Lucifer possessed him. Lucifer was controlling him since the day he watched the horror movie in the theater. His parents called the doctor and he was hospitalized but because of his violent behavior doctor suggested admitting him to a mental asylum.

Was he possessed by a demon? Yes, he was possessed not by any demon but by the Internet. The internet a virtual world of supernatural things for jay and it affected jay’s brain in that way where he started considering it a reality. Excessive use of the internet forced him to believe these hypothetical things real. He used to search these things all day so it directly left an impact on his brain so the things he was facing were just his hallucinations because his thoughts were full of horror stuff. So those were his imaginations that he was considering in the real world.

The theory of “Law of Attraction” says, positive thinking brings positive effect in our life and negative brings negative effects. In short, we get what we think.  Jay too was thinking about hauntings every time so he thought he too got possessed. In short, jay used excessive social media, it affected his thinking, and finally, HE LOST HIS MENTAL HEALTH. He was not sick, did not have split order-disorder or epileptic psychosis just he was possessed by SOCIAL MEDIA that made his life miserable.

These days it’s not like,

“We become what we think” but it is like,

“We become what we watch”

This is how social media can damage our mental health.

Author’s Bio:

Shweta Lohar is a proud Indian and Ambidextrous. She keeps on trying new things to understand every angle of life. She aims to create awareness about Indian culture and traditions as because of modernization the actual significance of Indian traditions is lagging and to keep Indian culture alive. And………… To be continued…………..


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