The house of My Reveries

By: Sia Aggarwal

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“Home sweet home” is a very common phrase. We just throw it around without thinking of its real meaning. Whenever we come home after a long time, we say it but never really think deep about it. This phrase means a lot. There is no place like home. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we always come back home.

We know that after we go through every difficulty of life and face all the ups and downs, we know that there will aways be one place where we can either go and cry ourselves out or laugh till our stomach aches.  It is a place where we feel comfortable, where we can express our feelings easily. It is the place at which we begin our day and finish it. So almost everybody dreams about what could be better in their house.

During the day, during the night we think about it. Sometimes we might say something like “If my house had this, it would be so great!”. So today let’s discuss what all is needed in the house of dreams.

Just writing the three words, “house of my dreams” makes our heart feel hopeful in a way. A house of one’s dreams doesn’t have to be huge. It can be a small cozy house, with no more than two floors and 5 bedrooms. Each one will have its own use. One bedroom would be for oneself and one for one’s parents.

These are two rooms that are there in almost every house. Of course, one would want their grandparents to live with them so one room would be dedicated for them. Everybody wants a pet to love, to care for. So, one room would be solely for a pet. My pets are birds. I have 4, 2 parrots and 2 cockatiels and I would love for them to have their own room. That makes up four rooms. The last room would be a library room for me. Since, I love to read books, it would be great to have a room as a book corner.

My dream house would be in California since that is where my favourite author-Shannon Messenger lives. I would be honored to meet her. This house would be present in a part of California which would be pleasant and would never be too warm or too cold. It would have a huge terrace which would have a swimming pool. Some chairs under a huge umbrella would surround it. The terrace would have a covered part where my birds could enjoy.

Everybody has their own ideas about a dream house. Some think it should be big and grand, others thing it should be small and cozy. Some want it near a beach, some near mountains. This is my idea of a dream house. If I lived in this house, I would be very happy but only if my parents and my grandparents will be there.

Without them my world would be empty. No matter how great and how beautiful a house would be without our relatives it would feel empty and cold which would make it the house of our nightmares, not dreams. So with my pets, my parents, my grandparents, I would have the true house of my reveries.

By: Sia Aggarwal

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