The Best Major for Students: Computer Science

By: Dongchan Kim

Coaching major UPSC Competitive Exams in Shaping Student Careers
Coaching major UPSC Competitive Exams in Shaping Student Careers
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In today’s world, there are various kinds of majors and careers one can have. Degrees can lead to multiple careers and shape/influence/affect the lives of people. Thus, people can live very different lives according to what they studied in college or graduate school. The majors that the students take usually decide what kind of jobs they are going to have in the future. Although many majors provide people with suitable options for their careers, some majors provide an exceptional future for students. These kinds of majors guarantee a successful career for the students. One of these majors is computer science. Computer science is a major that can assist students with essential skills for most jobs, provide students more free time when they are working, and build numerous connections during their learning.

To start with, computer science provides an excellent career for all of the students. As the world increasingly and rapidly changes, developments like robots, coding related machinery and jobs are introduced. For example, OpenAi, an artificial intelligence research organization, released a newly developed form of AI that changed the world’s perspective of AI. ChatGpt was one of the AIs that they developed which shocked the world. These topics such as AI require a necessary skill: coding. All the things that make up AI involve coding. Without coding, these kinds of developments that humans have would have not been possible. If humans can not communicate with computers, there is no way of using them. Jobs that involve computer science all provide a good amount of salary. Computer support specialists have an average salary of $57890, computer programmers have an average salary of $97800, computer network architects have an average salary of $126900, network system administrators have an average salary of $83055, and information security analysts have an average salary of $112000. Like this, jobs that are related to computer science give enough salary to support a family and do more. Students can develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills while learning about computer science. This is significantly helpful in strengthening their career. This is a valuable opportunity to learn and improve themselves overall and increase their chances of a better career.                                                                                                             

Furthermore, jobs related to computer science provide more spare time for the employees. Workers in Google, Meta, and Apple have projects that need to be finished before the deadline. The companies usually give enough time for the workers to work on their project to make the best out of it. During this period, workers are allowed to do anything they want freely as long as they finish their work. As a result, the employees are less likely to experience stress and melancholy. Thus, they can give better quality work than the workers that are tired all the time. In addition, they can enjoy themselves and have fun with their colleagues. This can help them socialize and not lose contact with their friends. For example, if a worker needed to prepare an idea and present it to the employers, they have time to brainstorm, rest, and work on it. This provides the perfect working environment to create the best work possible. Moreover, working in a technology based corporation can generate a lot of communication and sharing of ideas. Everyone in the company will have their own idea and vision of what they want to do in the world. If these ideas are shared, the co-workers can inspire others’ creative ideas and can develop one’s skill. Thus, this is beneficial for all of the workers because they can enhance their knowledge while having financial benefit as well.

Finally, people with a computer science degree receive immense support from their professors and colleagues. They all support each other in various ways because of what they learned together. Professors often invest their own money for the start-up companies that their students make. The professors encourage their students to not work for a person but to create their own company. This is one of the reasons why computer science students get a lot of support from their professors. Plenty of successful businessmen that graduated with a computer science degree encountered assistance from their professors in connecting with investors. Without this kind of help, many of the companies that succeeded would not have actually succeeded. Additionally, numerous students established their business with their friends. These friends mostly come from their university or the same major. Since almost all of the computer science major graduates have an excellent skill set, they are a very good help for the students who want to start their own company. These small businesses became what Google, Facebook, and Apple are today. Google and Apple were made by two friends and Facebook was made by a group of friends who wanted to provide the whole school’s social media. Most importantly, a significant portion of excellent thinkers and innovators in recent years have been computer science majors. Thus, it is best to collaborate with them to make something remarkable. If students graduate with a computer science degree, more support will come to them whatever they choose to do.

In conclusion, having a computer science degree provides a valuable career path for young students. Learning computer science can develop one’s skills in robotics and machinery as well. In addition to that, it can develop students’ critical thinking and problem solving skills that can be used in many jobs. This can help them do their jobs with efficiency and speed. Also, jobs related to computer science provide more free time for workers than other career fields. This can create less stress for the workers which can lead to better quality work. Finally, students receive huge support from their colleagues and their professors in starting a new company. This is because professors prefer their students to be successful and the colleagues are all very excellent in their major. It is true that more opportunities are laid out for students if they have a computer science degree. These kinds of advantages make computer science the best major for a successful career.

By: Dongchan Kim

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