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Tag: InspirationalFigures


Who is a hero? A person who thinks other's miseries as their concerns becomes a real hero. The freedom we breath is...

Biography of an Unsung Hero: Rediscovering  Forgotten Legacies from India

In the vast and diverse tapestry of Indian history, there exists a multitude of stories that often remain untold—stories of individuals whose...

Have you heard the Story of Khadija Abdullah Before?

In a world often consumed by narratives of conflict and despair, it's easy to overlook the quiet revolutions ignited by individuals driven...

Biography of the Hero in the Socialization-Educational Process of a Professional...

Biography of the Hero in the Socialization-Educational Process of a Professional Educational Organization In the socio-educational process of many...

Claudette Colvin: The Unsung Hero of the Civil Rights Movement

On March 2nd, 1955, fifteen year old Claudette Colvin sat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. The door creaked open and...

R Shivbhogam -Unsung Hero

Achieving scholastic success is one feat to be applauded while contributing to the the country through the effect of that achievement  is...

Soon Ja – An Unsung Hero

In South Korea, there are people seen on the streets everyday but never given serious consideration. Soon Ja is one of them....


The unsung heroes whose names were faded in the darkness are referred to as the unsung heroes.    They are the courageous people...

Biography of Unsung Heroes: Celebrating the Invisible Champions

In the vast tapestry of human history, countless individuals have made significant contributions to society that have largely gone unrecognized. These unsung...

U Tirot Sing: The Unsung Hero of Meghalaya

In the lush hills of Meghalaya, amidst the mist and greenery that define its landscape, lies the legacy of a fearless warrior...