Tag: DigitalAddiction
Social Media: Benefits and Drawbacks
In the fast-paced digital era, social media has emerged as a transformative tool that has profoundly influenced the way people communicate, share...
From Connectivity to Controversy: Social Media’s Mixed Legacy
Someone rightly said that don't use social media to impress people but rather to impact people. Social media is beneficial and good...
Behind the Screen: The Power of Algorithm is Influencing Our Beliefs
Imagine our parents’ generation, they didn’t have any phones or video games, and of course, they didn’t have such a thing as...
The Blurring Edges Between The Digital and Physical Worlds and Their...
The development of digital technology, at a breakneck pace, is really overhauling human experience. What had been a separate sphere of the...
FOMO: Fear of Missing Out in the Digital Age
With the rise of social media, everyone's life, including that of friends, acquaintances, and even absolute strangers, has now become an open...
सोशल मीडिया : अभिशाप या वरदान
सम्प्रेषण मनुष्य की नैसर्गिक आवश्यकता है. मनुष्य अपनी विविध मनोभावों, अनुभूतियों की अभिव्यक्ति, प्राकृतिक अथवा प्राकृतिक उपादानों के साथ प्रतिदिन संचार के...