Tag: ClimateAwareness
Earth's climate is changing rapidly, and scientists around the world agree that human activities are the main cause. This has been happening...
Calming down the climate change
Calming down the climate change
When I look at the sky
I can't see birds fly
Global warming and its solution
Global warming and its solution
On the one hand, there may be two reasons why global warming happens. Firstly,...
Climate change is getting out of hand due to the frenetic race of rising temperatures, melting glaciers, increasing natural disasters, and decreasing...
Climate Change: a great crises that we will defeat.
“Climate change is a terrible problem, and it needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority.”-Bill Gates, Founder of...
The Climate Clock Ticks Away: Humanity’s Contemporary Challenge
Disastrous effects on humans aside, consumerism and bad management of pollution have already proven to be very destructive to nature. One of...