Me, Mine (A Doctor’s Deliberate Deliberations)

By: Dr.Meghanaa J Kumar

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Oh who would I be,would I be,would I be?

In a parallel universe, an alternate reality

An astronaut bravely hurtling towards the moon

Or a gossipy housewife shopping blissfully at noon

Oh what would I be be,would I be,would I be?

If I had the chance to be anything I could be

A regal painting adorning the wall of an art gallery

Or perhaps a leather bound first edition in a private library

Oh how would it be,would it be,would it be?

This new life without regrets,pain or petty envy

My Neeraj Chopra-esque shot at Olympic glory

Or am I destined to live out the same old underdog story

Oh why should it be,should it be,should it be?

That the person whose life I’m interested about is me,

Considering curiosity killed the infamous cat,

Can’t imagine it sparing this clueless pack rat

By: Dr.Meghanaa J Kumar

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