Marketing Your Business Podcast: Everything You Need to Know

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While podcasts aren’t the latest breakthrough in marketing innovation, they have been steadily growing in popularity and reach. Over the last couple of years, the amount of podcast subscribers has grown substantially and is now considered a medium that can be capitalized on by advertisers and brands.

To create an impression of your brand using a podcast, you need to devise a plan that helps you achieve two initial goals: designing an engaging podcast using the resources available to you, and trying to maximize the reach of your podcast by promoting it. And if you feel some changes are required in your podcast, you can easily do so using Podcast Editing Software available online. 

We’ve decided to share with you some of the best tips for marketing your business podcast.  

<h2>How a Successful Podcast Helps Grow Your Business</h2>

If you think about it, podcasts are perfectly suited to help grow your business. Podcasts can drive up tangible elements like brand awareness, engagement, site traffic, and they can propel revenue streams.

Furthermore, podcasts can be used as platforms to launch social campaigns or to share insights and encourage constructive communication between thought leaders from the community and the brand. It’s key that your podcast marketing plan realizes the role you want your brand’s message to adopt.  

<h3>Increases your audience reach with its accessibility</h3>

First, we must mention the nature in which podcasts are consumed—aurally. Compared to media such as blog posts, social media statuses, or even the ever-popular video content, podcasts have greater penetration simply because they do not engage your eyes. A user can access your brand’s podcast while jogging, doing household chores, or doing activities that would otherwise command a majority of their attention and thus make it impossible to read or watch simultaneously. 

This brings us to the second reason as to why the medium and platform provided by podcasts are perfect for building a brand image—accessibility. Podcasts are universally accessible to anyone who owns a mobile phone and has access to the internet. Podcasts can be downloaded and saved for hearing later, and there are many ways for users to stay up to date with your latest content. 

<h3>Lets you generate quality content quickly</h3>

Building and designing content for podcasts might be challenging, but presenting it is among the simplest. Whereas shooting and editing videos are the most time consuming, it must also be agreed that it takes longer to write than to speak. Once your content is ready, you do not need to invest a lot of time in editing and piecing together a final product for your audiences. 

<h3>Helps you create a connection with your audience</h3>

People develop relationships of trust with podcast hosts that supply them with reliable information in a respectable and well-packaged manner, and while brand exposure may be your ultimate aim, your first goal should be to form a meaningful connection with your listeners. To be able to run a successful podcast, you must be a good speaker as well as a good listener because the subject of your podcasts must revolve around something your audience finds relevant. 

Marketing your business podcast professionally can do wonders for your brand when implemented, keeping in mind these basics. Not only will it raise awareness of your brand and help you reach new audiences, but it will also help create a character for your brand, which in turn generates goodwill for your business. 

Creating a unique identity for your brand is very important in the current market scenario, as it helps in differentiating your product from the rest of the competition and can pave the way for social media throwbacks and collaborations with other brands who portray their brand as having a similar character to yours.

<h2>Building a Good Podcast Marketing Plan</h2>

Once you have successfully taken care of every detail of the conception of your podcast, you need to practice best brand practices when designing the presentation and other aspects of marketing your business podcast.

<h3>Identify your podcast’s voice</h3>

One of the first things you need to consider is the voice for this podcast. You must remember that customers will often associate this voice with your brand; hence, it is important to choose a voice that can most efficiently convey the brand’s message. If you choose to employ a familiar voice from another popular podcast, you will be set to gain certain benefits, such as the good reputation of the host attached to your brand. Alternatively, you can choose to hire a rookie if you want your brand to have a unique voice. 

<h3>Determine the specifics of your show</h3>

Next, you need to decide the format of your show. This entails deciding how long the show will run and how the time on-air will be divided into segments. You can set up your podcast to run weekly, or only on weekends, or daily, or even multiple times a day if you wish. However, you must remember that volume isn’t the key; the key is relevant content.

<h3>Quality content matters</h3>

Quality always reigns over quantity when it comes to content, notwithstanding the importance of regularly producing content. You can choose to have your brand’s podcast initiate collaborations with other podcast hosts, or maybe you will regularly engage with the listeners and give them a platform to voice their opinions. 

Once you have detailed the outlines of how you want to market your brand through a podcast, you can afford to pay attention to individual episodes. It is often wise to have a storyboard or blueprint of what topics to cover for each episode so as to maximize time on the air. Make sure you remember the call to action at the end of each episode, and try to promote your social media channels through your podcast and vice versa.

<h3>Utilizing social media</h3>

Once your product is ready, it needs to be marketed through various social media channels. You can embed it on your website or on any of your social media handles. You can include transcriptions of the podcast on your website to drive up content as well. You must also customize your marketing strategies based on some factors, such as your target audience or the etiquette of the platform you are using to promote your brand. 

For instance, using hashtags on Instagram or using Facebook’s targeted advertising are great ways to increase your podcast’s subscriber base. By cross-advertising for your podcast, you can attract a significantly higher number of engagements. 

<h2>Strategies to Market Your Podcast in 2020 and Beyond</h2>

This is a set of some fundamental and some rather exclusive strategies to promote your podcast in 2020. The most basic thumb rule might sound simplistic but is often forgotten: ask your listeners to subscribe. Every video is incomplete unless you request first-time or returning listeners to ensure they never miss a podcast by your brand in the future. 

<h3>Focus on your audience</h3>

At the end of each podcast, or in any segment of it that you so desire, it pays to acknowledge listeners who have interacted with your latest podcasts, highlighting insightful comments, sharing milestones such as subscriber counts, or introducing contests and announcing winners. To increase your reach, you can also ask your followers on social media to post questions that you can answer on your podcast episodes. 

<h3>Collaborate with other podcasters</h3>

By collaborating with other podcasts, you can delve into new listener bases and help spread more brand awareness. You can call guests to your show, host collaborations with other podcasts, or even send a representative of your podcast as a guest to another show.

<h3>Host a contest or giveaway</h3>

As we mentioned earlier, contests are a very lucrative strategy to market your podcast in 2020. A contest can help your brand attach itself to other businesses, services, and media such as films or albums. Such a strategy can boost engagement and direct a substantial amount of traffic to your website or social media platforms.  


Innovation always has a special place in any marketing campaign, so feel free to implement any thoroughly conceptualized strategy that you feel can make a difference for your brand. Some of the most successful podcast marketing ideas have been birthed out of a gut feeling experienced by some creator. 

<h2>Final Thoughts</h2>

Creating a podcast is a fantastic way to leverage your brand’s position in the market. By implementing some easy and some not so easy steps, you can design a multi-level marketing podcast that can do wonders for your brand. 

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