Industrial Revolution and Development

By: Edward (Jiyong) Jeong

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While our humanity had an industrial revolution and development, we had to experience inevitable ecosystem destruction. Although we gain a lot of positives from these industrial developments, there are a lot of problems caused by human activities which increase the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Climate change is like when the Earth’s weather patterns are getting all mixed up because of a huge amount of pollution from cars, factories, agriculture, waste and deforestation. These climate changes may lead to drought, downpours, and heatwaves. Due to the rapid change of these climates, the animals’ lives will face difficulties. To avoid climate change, we should use green energy and try to avoid using too many disposable products. Our everyday choices hold the power to make a profound difference in the environment.

People are producing a lot of products that are useful for our daily lives. For example, we rely on a wide range of products made from trees, plastics and coals. When the factories are running, a large amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced, which makes the Earth warmer than before.

Additionally, the act of driving cars also generates significant amounts of carbon dioxide. Scientists say Earth’s “clock” is currently at 9 by 9. If the Earth’s “clock” strikes 12, it would indicate a severe threat to humanity’s ability to thrive. This Earth clock tells us the urgency of addressing climate change. It would be crucial to protect our precious planet. 

What are the consequences of climate change? If climate change continues to worsen, we will experience unusual occurrences in our everyday lives. Firstly, the Earth’s temperature will rise, leading to the potential melting of the northern glaciers and rising sea levels. Just in 60 years, Japan could lose its winter entirely.

This warming effect is due to the greenhouse effect, which causes the Earth’s atmosphere to trap solar energy, resulting in increased temperatures. This can lead to droughts and potentially impact our ability to secure food resources. Secondly, climate change could trigger heavy downpours, leading to flooding. Due to such rapid changes around the Earth, a lot of living things could die, ultimately disrupting the balance of the food chain. 

We must take action to stop climate change. Firstly, we should try to reduce our reliance on disposable items, as they contribute significantly to this environmental issue. Another major contributor is vehicle emissions such as CO2. Whenever possible, we should consider walking or cycling for shorter distances. In addition, we could use second-hand products or eco-friendly alternatives which can greatly benefit the environment.

There are a lot of replacements for coal, such as solar energy, hydropower,  and wind energy, which are renewable sources. These renewable options release minimal carbon dioxide and have the potential to provide an almost limitless supply of energy under the right conditions. We can use less energy at home by turning off lights when we don’t use them, and planting more trees. This act of planting trees will act as a natural balm, absorbing excess CO2 from the atmosphere.

In conclusion, the march of development has brought us both prosperity and peril to our planet Earth. As our human activities continue to escalate, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will increase, resulting in climate change. As the average temperature of the planet’s surface increases, our sea level will increase and could cause heavy downpours and floods.

Without an effort to fight against such climate change, we will lose all animal species and the natural resources we have around the planet. Opting for environmentally friendlier transportation and adopting energy-efficient alternatives can change the course of our planet’s destiny. The environment that we have ruined will be returned to us if we do not take the battle against our current situation. We should all make conscientious choices in our consumption and energy use. The power to effect change lies within each of us. 

By: Edward (Jiyong) Jeong

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