How to write dialogue in an essay

By: Daksh Choudhary

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An essay is as a art of writing in a paragraph in which we can express our feelings or thoughts in the form of a written paragraph . It shows our creative writing skill .

Writing essays are so amazing and fascinating , so have you ever thought that how would be the dialogue essay.

As the itself suggest that in dialogue essay there are dialogues within the essay only. It seems very good essay when there is also a conservation between the characters or direct speech is been used rather than indirect speech.

Dialogue essay introduction

 dialogue represents special literary device that helps writers to express  a conversation with two or more individuals involved. Dialogue in an essay can be implemented when writing fiction or nonfiction narrative work. It has a unique impact on essay writing. 

Dialogue is what the characters in your short story, poem, novel, play, screenplay, personal essay—any kind of creative writing where characters speak—say out loud . In dialogue essay , the essay is not only of dialogues rather it is a essay which contains some conservation between two people or it can also be a direct speech quotes or words . 

Alike formal essay , informal essay an essay with dialogues also has some format or writing style . In an essay with dialogue , the most main thing to be taken care is that we should not place the dialogue anywhere where it is not required , rather we should place it as per its relative topic is already explained .

If we will not place the dialogue according to the paragraph , it would be hard for reader to understand . Then second thing is that the language should be formal, if it is informal it would work but it should not be rude. And if possible take original dialogues or if we have to make it then make it by our own. The dialogues should not be started with ‘  hello or hi ‘. But it should be like just expressing the feelings and the thing which speaker wanted to say. The dialogues should be made by keeping the already given information in mind . 

Now let’s see that we’re can dialogues can be placed.

First tro fall , we must keep the dialogues in correct order.

If they are placed before the paragraph which tell its information then it acts as an introduction to the below topic.

And if they are placed after the paragraph which has its information then it acts as an example to the above content

The dialogues should be linked to each other line by line . If they are not in a correct format or order then it can be bit  hard for the reader to understand

If the dialogue is a conservation between two celebrities . Then it is preferred that their words or important things should be in inverted commas .

Types of dialogue

There are two broad types of dialogue writers employ in their work: inner and outer dialogue.  

Inner dialogue is the dialogue a character has inside their head. This inner dialogue can be a monologue. In most cases, inner dialogue is not marked by quotation marks . Some authors mark inner dialogue by italicizing it.

Outer dialogue is dialogue that happens externally, often between two or more characters. This is the dialogue that goes inside quotation marks. 

Some important points to be taken care :-

1 – Every time a new character speaks, start a new paragraph.

2- When a character’s dialogue extends beyond a paragraph, use quotation marks at the beginning of the second one paragraph . 

3-In dialogue, use an  dash to show that a character is being interrupted . 

4-We  can separate a line of dialogue with an action.

5-We must avoid  Using a tag for every piece of dialogue . 

6- We should not use much tags .

At last I would like to conclude by saying that , writing dialogue is the most fun part of writing. It’s our  opportunity to let your characters’ motivations, flaws, knowledge, fears, and personality  come to life . We can add dialogue in an essay by using the following do’s and don’t s over listed. We must enjoy adding dialogue in paragraphs. 

By: Daksh Choudhary

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