How to make the most of extra-curricular activities for your college applications

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While grades and SAT scores are a vital part of college application, so are yourextra-curricularactivities. However,you need to think carefully about which activities you choose to take part in and how many you do. Making smart use of your extra-curricular opportunities will allow you to show case different attributes and skills. These things are what set you apart from all the other students with the same grades and exam results as you.

Quality Over Quantity

Whatever you choose to do for your extra-curricular credits, don’t do everything. Colleges aren’t impressed that you’ve spent your high school years trying everything going. They’d rather see you stick to a select few and do them well. That’s not to say you can’t change your mind if you find an activity isn’t for you, but by your final year you should have settled and stuck to your choices.

Standout From the Crowd

Think about how to get into Columbia University, which is one of the top schools in the country. Only about 12 percent of applicants are accepted each year and they all have top marks academically. Therefore, to have a chance of getting into Columbia or one of the other Ivy Leagues, it’s what you have been doing over and above that will make your application stand out.

Choose Wisely

Choose activities that tie in with your intended field of study, such as working on the school newspaper if you’re interested in journalism. Admissions people can see your commitment to and passion for the subject this way. However, don’t be scared to have some fun and reflect your personality in your out of class time too. Colleges are admitting people not robots, so if you love music despite wanting to study science, be in the school band as well as the science fair.

Take on Leadership Roles

Showing your ability to rise up and take charge is a desirable attribute for colleges. Leadership experience shows that you able to work well with other people, an essential skill in college. This is also a terrific way to showcase you passion for a subject that you are applying to study. Schools want to offer places to students who are going to be dedicated to their chosen course.

Take Initiative

In the last couple of yearsthe global pandemic has meant enforced down time for most school students. Regular activities such as team sports were put on hold, causing students to miss out on vital skill building. However, colleges love to see how students used this time to take the initiative to learn new things under their own steam. So, if you’ve learnt a new language or how to bake bread from scratch while you had to stay home, include this information.

Out of class activities shouldn’t take over your pre-college life, but with careful planning and management they will certainly help you on your way to getting into college. Balance fun with serious options and be consistent with your commitment. Before you know it, you’ll be a college student.

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