How to Focus on Writing an Essay Effectively?

By: Seohyun Lee

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Writing an essay can be a very long and tedious process. You sit down in front of your laptop you’re staring at the blank white screen lighting in front of you while you see your cursor blinking next to a giant white space on your screen, without a single text. Nothing is coming to mind and you are easily getting distracted.

Writing unlike many other tasks requires a lot of time, and with time a lot of focus and mind power also come into play. I know we’ve all had times when our mind just drifts onto something completely irrelevant when doing a task you’re supposed to do. It may seem normal and it may seem like an inevitable aspect of whatever process you are doing, however, a few techniques could help you in that case.

Especially when you are writing an essay, for a competition, or just a school assignment with many other things that could be going on in your life focusing and writing an essay could be a very difficult task for you to perform. However, with a few simple steps, this could easily be helped. However for it to be completely fixed is something you may have to practice and work on for a while to completely master. 

Some people just tend to work a lot better than others when the deadline is nearing. They get a burst of motivation that they have not gotten before and they work ten times harder than they have previously done. However, this isn’t always the best method when it comes to writing essays. So give yourself plenty of time maybe a couple of weeks until the day you have to finish it by being too confused about writing an essay. Thus, it is great to set specific goals for yourself to reach.

Mauve has the introduction, preparation, and planning done on this specific day and so on. Setting these specific goals for yourself will allow you to have a  very effective scheduling method and also help you get motivated to meet those deadlines.

And if you are slacking behind a deadline you might feel a small little panic inside yourself that could further make you feel more motivated to work harder. Next is the environment in which you are working to write an essay. It may not seem like the most priority however environment matters a lot when it comes to doing any tasks that matter.

Some people work better in loud environments while some need to be in a quiet coffee with a sip of tea in their hands. You have to find the environment that better suits you and find that place and work there. It is also great to move environments from time to time as a new environment usually makes an individual more productive as it is a new environment.

However, again this April applied to some people so you need to visit a lot of fo environments and choose which one better suits you. Next is to have someone physically motivate you by your side. This could be an adult or simply just someone you are working with to write an essay. Having this morally supportive peer by your side it’s great as you will always have someone to rely on and always remind yourself that you aren’t alone going through this pain, as they might be doing the same thing.

And seeing your peer going way ahead of you can further increase your focus on your essay as you will get to realsie how far behind you actually are. Next is to get any time limitations screen application on your device. Not just the device you are using to write your essay but limitations for any sort of device that could serve to be a distraction.

Phones and any sort of electronic device we can all collectively are the biggest distractors in our lives. And the fact that we are writing our essays on these devices makes us focus less on what we are actually doing. Thus, it is great to run such applications on our devices to block our temptations to go off task instead of focusing to write a certain essay. 

In conclusion, for some people writing an essay could be an easy process. However, to some, this is not the case and they have a hard time focusing on the essay and performing the task efficiently thus, by following such techniques it can hopefully help you focus better when writing an essay. 

By: Seohyun Lee

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