Hardwork really pay off

By: Shelby Wambui

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Does hardwork really pay off or is it really just a way of deceiving my brain? I don’t know,maybe I should have tried harder in my KCSE exams. I remember I was always a straight A student even in my last high school examination before my national examinations. When my results came out,I was bewildered,shocked,I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that B+ staring right in front of me at the screen.

Ughh,why did God have to do me dirty?All those hours I worked at school and at home,only for me to get defeated by my friends who were not even in my ability group.*sigh. Anyway,it is now three days since my results got released and to be honest I am feeling better and more hopeful as more opportunities are open now.

Growing up I have always been told to work hard as it always paid. That is what the proverb states,right? Right now, that proverb is very debatable for me, I am not going to lie. My hardwork did not pay,did it? However,no matter how much I asked myself questions,they never had any answers and I would just be wasting my time. Complaining never changed my grades even if I checked the portal thrice to confirm my misfortune.

In this period,I have come to learn that hardwork actually pays because regardless of my grades and who we tied with, I can get into college and maintain the same discipline with myself. And maybe there it will pay. God has a plan for me. He knew why He allowed that B+ to creep in the portal. He knew why He let all thise people pass me. Honestly, it all happened for a reason. Maybe this essay was a way of Him breaking me through even if I feel I am going off topic and probably just venting.

I still have faith in my hardwork and we are going to get through. One thing I know is that I was almost ending my life because of my “bad” grades. I will not allow myself to do it(unless it is really necessary,just kidding). I will pull myself together and continue working hard even in the university that I will apply to go to and hopefully be accepted.

At the end of the day,does hardwork pay or is it just a way of deceiving the human brain. In my experience,I will proudly say that it is both. It did pay off in a way that I still will keep my discipline in anything I do. It deceived my brain because my internal examination transcripts are so good I can even apply to Harvard(I’m really delusional). The point is no one should ever feel like their hardwork will go to waste. Go for it,work smart and hard and in the end,God will give us a way forward to achieving our dreams.

By: Shelby Wambui

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