Differences and Similarities of the Education System in Indonesia with Other Countries

By: Fadya Lisarah

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Education has a very important role in giving birth to the next generations of the nation. Especially in this era of globalization, where the younger generation is required to have extensive knowledge and abilities. To give birth to a quality generation, of course, it cannot be separated from the education system implemented by each country.

Because each country certainly has a different education system, which he thinks is most suitable to be applied. The education system in Indonesia is certainly also different from the education system applied in other countries. However, it is possible that the Indonesian education system has similarities with several other countries.

Differences In The Education System In Indonesia And Other Countries

In Indonesia, there are many things that make a difference with foreign countries related to the education system, including the reduction of childhood, the difference between superior class and ordinary class, and the orientation period at the beginning of school entry.

Basically there are 3 levels of education in Indonesia. First, second primary education, secondary education, third higher education. In the education system in Indonesia, there are three aspects that are prioritized, namely knowledge, skills and attitudes. So, these three aspects are used in assessing students when studying. While other aspects such as spiritual, intellectual, personal are also important to consider. The difference with the education system abroad is in UK Cambridge for example. Our education system is still general and lacks in directing students towards education where they have talents and abilities. Or an education system in the United States that emphasizes aspects of science, technology, engineering, art, and other aspects of science. Maybe this is what makes the education system weak in Indonesia.

Indonesia and other countries have striking differences in the applied learning system. As is the case in establishing early childhood education. Where this education is very good for training children’s motor development. However, in Indonesia, it is more emphasized on learning to read, write, and count for early childhood. While abroad, early childhood education places more emphasis on playing and interacting to explore its environment.

Then in terms of study time, where study time in Indonesia is very dense for a long time. It is known together, that during the day the majority of Indonesian students spend their time studying. While abroad, students only study in classes around 30 – 40% and the rest is spent playing and interacting with their friends.

Then for the tasks given by teachers, this is what really distinguishes Indonesia from other countries. Most countries outside Indonesia do not provide assignments or homework. But in Indonesia, almost every school will always give tasks that must be done at home. The good goal is to increase students’ knowledge, but this can actually make them bored and depressed.

In terms of final exams, it is known together that Indonesia applies the final exam as a determinant of graduation. While abroad, the final result is determined based on the accumulated learning that has been done every day. And for compulsory learning, every child has been introduced to education since he was a child.

But abroad, education is only starting to be introduced to children when they are 7 years old. And based on the research conducted, it is known that to introduce children’s education well is when they are 7 years old.

According to Finland’s Minister of Education and Science, Krista Kiuru, that academics is not the only thing a child needs. They were more than that. Schools should teach the meaning of life so that children can learn what is needed and can learn community skills.

As for Indonesia and America also have differences in education systems that are quite striking. The difference between the two is that in America they emphasize more on learning directly in practice in the field, it is different from Indonesia, which uses more material in each lesson. If we remember back from elementary school (SD) to High School (SMA) we are always taught to use more material, the material also sometimes exceeds our brain’s capacity to digest it.

Unlike America, why do they use learning by practicing techniques? Because basically learning with direct practice makes it easier for us to remember it and it is more effective than just memorizing theory. In Indonesia, there is still a distinction between science and social studies majors, which allows students to only choose one between the two, but in America they are free to choose what subjects they are interested in. The method used by America can make a student recognize where his skills are.

In Indonesia, we often meet students who are reluctant to ask their teachers during class, because they don’t want to be labeled stupid, stupid or slow by other friends who already understand. They prefer to ask what he doesn’t understand to his teacher outside of class hours. Unlike the case with America, in that country it always makes a Q&A session during the working hours after all the material is explained in order to make students more active, increase communication between students and teachers and to train students’ self-confidence. The students there are also active in asking what they don’t know, because students in that country have great curiosity.

Similarities of Indonesian and New Zealand Education Systems

The education system in Indonesia also has similarities with other countries, such as New Zealand. Where New Zealand implements the education system from early childhood, middle school, to higher education. The education system implemented by New Zealand aims to develop students’ ability to be oriented.

So that later it can focus on sharpening the student character intelligence. In addition, it is also to improve the practical skills of students who will be needed in the future.

Through differences and similarities between the learning system in Indonesia and abroad, in essence every child has the same right to get education. Likewise with countries that have responsibility for the education of their people.

Therefore, the role of teaching staff, parents, and the government is very important in supporting good education in every child.

By: Fadya Lisarah

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