Democracy and Dictatorship: Key Differences

By Vijetha Saishree

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There are a variety of government structures all over the globe. Mostly based on geographical locations, political affiliations and religious belief, they are governed differently. In stipulations of governance in addition to operational reformation, there are heaps of prominent differences between a pure democracy and its opposite side which is traditionally recognized as a dictatorship. The enmity between democracy and dictatorship is not new and has been in continuation for decades. The significance of democracy is apprehended when an individual resides under a dictatorship administration. Similarly, the deterioration of democracy will be identified when an individual lives and experiences the perks of a dictatorship. Typically, the mindset is that dictatorship is dreadful and democracy is superior. Whereas the past and statistics put forward the insight is accurate, it is not at all times true. Both forms of government, democracy as well as dictatorship might succeed or fail. The success of any structure of government depends on the body that is governing it and its citizens.

Democracy is commonly used by countries globally, and dictatorship has been reduced massively over the years. Democracy is formulated with the objective of deliberation and negotiation. Consequently, the democratic government takes time in executing and implementation of decisions. In contrast, Dictatorships do not require to resonate with public opinion. Therefore, the decision-making process in a dictatorship is more rapid and well-organized. Democracy provides a scheme to take care of differences in opinions and disputes. A democracy can be delineated as a government structure with supreme authority is to be found in the hands of the citizens. It is a peculiarity that arises from the very implementation of policies and governmental operations. Whereas democracy is a demonstration of the prominent voice and interests of the individuals. Dictatorship, on the other hand, is the subduing of that voice. The ill factor about dictatorship is that policy-making as well power to provide justice is in the hands of the dictator which may be misused and altered by them. The fundamental human rights for instance the right to express, vote, information, cultural and social rights are generally provided in a pure democracy. The dictator has all power and the decision making authority which in many prominent cases led to oppression of its citizens.

If we analyse the history of economic advancement of nations more than the most recent hundred years, we discover that different nations have engaged in different trajectories in their subjective quest for economic growth. Therefore, multiple argue on the fact that both democracies and dictatorships have their pros and cons as far as economic development is concerned and in addition to it is primarily owing to the sort of leaders that lead nations that make a difference. We cannot articulate that democracy is an assurance of economic advancement. Still, Experts consider that democracy is better in the longer term as can be observed from the constant accomplishment of the United States and various other Western countries that have retained their democratic identification and simultaneously, maintained their stable tempo of growth. Democracy has no direct consequence on economic growth. Nevertheless, it has considerable and significant indirect impacts which contribute to economic development.

According to the UN, at present, there are about 166 democratic countries. A recent study has established that about 49% of the world’s population lives in some structure of democracy while observantly merely 4% of people inhabit an incomplete democratic country. India is one of the world’s prevalent democratic countries. India became a democratic nation after its independence in 1947. From then on, the general public of India was provided with the right to vote as well as decide on their leaders. The diversity in culture and traditions along with the differences between people based on race, caste, religion and linguistic basis, democracy can be perceived as a boon. . It is essential to inspect the strongest democracies in the contemporary world to learn and understand how they have maintained well-built systems of public and political liberties, as well as what they are undertaking to enhance other nations’ economic well-being. There are several examples of positive democracy observed but at the same time, there are multiple countries with failing democracy. After a long phase of authoritarian rule, Mexico has been presented as a “flawed democracy” in the past few decades”. The country continues to suffer from deprived decision making and numerous other aspects, for instance elevated corruption rates, feeble rule of law, weak policymaking that affect the citizens in a pessimistic approach. Several other countries are not pure democracies such as China and Pakistan.

We all have presumed dictatorship in a wrong light and assumed all dictatorships to be terrible. Proceeding the decline and vanishing in the early 19th and late 20th centuries of monarchies based on hereditary descent, dictatorship became prominent. Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin as dictator of the Soviet Union were the most important examples of such modern totalitarian dictatorships. Every individual is aware of the destruction caused by them. Still, judging a dictatorship solely on this will be wrong. History has seen great examples of good dictatorship rule as well. Deng Xiaoping, past dictator of china is one of the good examples of the same. With his spotlight on reforming China’s educational and literacy system and navigating the country away from communalism, Deng is assumed to be the dynamic force behind the commencement of China’s rise to becoming a global power.

Democracies are better for a few situations as favour leaders can be replaced whereas dictators have to be expelled by force. During a democracy, advancement happens to accomplish the requirements of people. Alternatively, in a dictatorship development happens according to the dictator. In particular, democracy is the best form of government that the majority of the nation of the world adore and practice.

By Vijetha Saishree


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