Best Personal Finance Books for 2021

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Once more, we find ourselves in January and that time of year where we resolve to make things better and change our lives. If you have financial goals on your list for 2021, there are a wealth of excellent books out there that can help you on your quest. For some people, it is about retiring early; for others, it is about owning property and building their own empire. There are many different financial goals, and for that reason, there are many categories and genres of financial books. To get you started we have put together the best personal finance books for your betterment in the forthcoming year, so let’s dive straight in. 

‘The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life,’ by JL Collins

The author wrote this book after collecting a series of letters sent initially from him to his daughter. The invaluable advice takes you through all sorts of investment information, and it’s perfect if you are hoping to create a reservoir of cash in order to retire early and still provide a monthly income stream. It is well written, but light and easy to read. Some of the explanations are harder to grasp, but simply because the topics are tricky, and he goes to great lengths to ensure you understand what he is saying. The book is well received with over 800 people prepared to review it on Amazon, and the average star rating is 4.8, which says a lot. This is one of the highest-rated books on personal finance around at the moment. 

‘Women & Money,’ by Suze Orman


Even in the current climate women tend to be left out of financial planning, as it is assumed this is something for men. In this book, women can learn how to best make a plan giving plenty of really great advice about investments, savings, preparing for retirement, getting married and more. It has been said that the book is equally suited to 20-year olds as it is to those right on retirement age. If you are hoping to learn more about money and want something that is focused on women, this could be a really good choice for you

‘The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich,’ by David Bach


Does this book do what it says on the cover? Well, sadly you’re not going to become an automatic millionaire unless you put the work in. But the information you need is certainly there. The author is concerned with teaching the principles of automated finances. Whether you are looking to pay off debts or create savings, he is convinced that finances managing themselves will enable you to generate good wealth over many years. It includes a cohesive plan that you can set up in one afternoon and should hopefully create a lasting and positive impact on your income and finances. 

‘Retire Before Mom and Dad,’ by Rob Berger

So, as the title suggests, this book is perhaps targeted at the younger person with a financial interest. The author teaches the principle of FIRE, Financially Independent, Retire Early. It is another well-written book which offers plenty of well-targeted advice to those younger people who want to build themselves a credible wealth and retire early on the benefits. Of course, you can also use the information just to build your bank balance, and you don’t have to retire early, but the option is there. This book can be found on Amazon as well as many other book retailers. 

‘The Millionaire Next Door,’ by Thomas J. Stanley

If you are struggling for inspiration, then this book is well worth a read. The author has spent time profiling many wealthy Americans and discovered that there are plenty of similarities, not differences. He’s also found it might not be what you’d expect in terms of traits and who the people are. So, he details the seven habits that he has discovered they all seem to have in common, which includes a rejection of traditional consumerism and also living well below their means. The ground-breaking information in this book is so well received that it has over 1700 five-star reviews on Amazon. Indeed, well worth a read if you are struggling to get yourself motivated and wondering how you will ever achieve your financial goals. 

‘Think and Grow Rich,’ by Napoleon Hill

It is incredible to think that this book was originally written in 1937 straight after the Great Depression. Such is the wealth and strength of the advice that it is still relevant today. It has been revised and updated for the 21st century, and the focus is more on the mindset of you as a person rather than how you actually build the wealth. One of the chapters, for example, is called persistence, and one is named desire among others. You can also read about some of the wealthiest people in the 19th and early 20th centuries and learn from their lessons and stories taking the information into the future with you. Another stellar bestseller that must be read if you are on the path to financial freedom. 

These are just a few of the many books written on the topic of financial independence and wealth, there are plenty of others to choose from, but in our opinion, these are some of the best that should undoubtedly be gracing your bookshelves this year.


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