Afterall a Human

By: Mythile Arumugam

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[When the grownup child meets the great sage!]

HUMAN: It is you…. It is you right. You are the matter of discussion for the past few days… you know… surpassing the talk of deadly corona virus…you …gross … however I feel happy that at least there is a change of topic in this society… I am literally happy…

(It is past six; still the sage’s reaction doesn’t change a bit)

HUMAN: I have been watching you for the past one hour. You are not responding to my damn questions…

It becomes hard for the human to keep shut and once more… tries to intrude the waxing silence… It is the same minute the very human decided to lose control over an unknown little green man

HUMAN: Though you are broached as the great sage, I don’t get it… you don’t seem happy… If you take my situation, I, in my twenties… a young entrepreneur, visible pocket you see is filled with invisible ideas… err… My love life at stake and my future life seem opaque. Yes…  I have a good reason to bake my dopamine and forsake my life. But you…

(A curved smirk turns into an astonished awe when the sage’s eyelids open)

SAGE: Do you know who the happiest person is?

(The sage’s voice is stoned to the core)

HUMAN: Damn… you… you just spoke…

(The raving look of the sage stops the human from ravings)

HUMAN: (grins) May be… the one who understands the purpose of life.

SAGE: Did you understand the purpose of your life’?


SAGE: So, you are happy!

(Gives the sage a terrific NO expression)

SAGE: Why so?

HUMAN: Because I think I lack consistency in taking decisions.

SAGE: What makes you feel that you aren’t constant?

HUMAN: phew… It is bit complicated.

SAGE: Go on…..

HUMAN: My family has other plans for me. They don’t want me to be a soul satisfied person that I always want to be. They want success… sudden success. They want to convince the society that their child always succeeds within few attempts in the carrier. They think that they do want to create a beautiful family of mine. So they are trying to arrange a beautiful place [neglecting my happiness *] which according to their calculation makes me and others happy. They want someone who after their demise will see to me because they believe that the counter part is necessary, as at the end of the day I want someone to lay my hands with. And that counterpart is none but … err… someone who will care for me in the name of a contract. They want me to be happy by making me sacrifice my heartfelt desire which they think… that would bring me tons of happiness. They do everything in the name of my perfect future by deteriorating my present. Above all they want to prove this society that their child is the eligible partner and pride inherited for the inheritance. They do believe that my choices may bring me war and staunchly believe that their selection for me will bring me peace.

            You know what ………. that peace will bring war* voluntarily some day, or the other.     P.s. “War is better than the bad peace”.

Sitting under the banyan tree… sensing the atmospheric mood of this chaotic society

Sage is not so bewildered hearing one of the many humans’ malady.

Yes that’s it.

SAGE: Ok, what you said now is their opinion……on you. But I tend to repeat the question… why do you feel that you are not constant on your dreams?

Sometimes of the many a times truth maketh the human search for solutions…

HUMAN: Because sometimes I hope my life is going to be okay even without achieving my dream. I think someday I will merge with the given situations, I will be the good survivor…

SAGE:  The problem is solved…

HUMAN: Wait what? Are you kidding?

SAGE: Yes….The reason for the lack of your consistency is your thought process. It is not going to be okay until you fight for your dreams, till you strive for that, till you shed the last drop of your comfort, not unless you are eligible for that. Don’t be the survivor, indeed be the lover of life…start living your life.                                                                                                             This is what you are searching for, isn’t it? Take this with you my child.

HUMAN: You are real. OMG. I … I… I have met the real sage. You have enlightened me for sure. Thank you. I think you deserve a lot than this….this small town. You are going to be the hero of the arcade for the decades. Wow…. I am going to post this in my insta page.           #happy #the great sage #life is beautiful. You are ama… amazing (He sigh the human to stop)

SAGE: Stop…

HUMAN: Why…oh…don’t mistake me I’m flattering. I think my happy hormones are rushing though…

(Sage starts laughing and dwindled minion stops praising with a wide gaping)

SAGE: I couldn’t stop laughing. Forgive me…..For your kind information; so called sage, sorry, ‘the great sage’ is in the next avenue, making peace in the newly constructed Rs. 40 Cr building. However thank you. You are an eye opener… for sure…You made me feel that I am eligible to restart my life.

Human bean just shocked by the nerdy interactions with a commoner. But very soon understood that this life gives equal sorrow and happiness to each and every person out here in our world. If that human could…why can’t this human… why can’t you?


I am one among you and I totally understand how it is hard to buff just to experience the bliss of life. The crux of the nature of humanity is depicted in a fabricated way. At the end of the day, we all want someone who we can spend time with or one who listen to your follies and maladies. Just give your ear at least to your small circle of family, friends and surroundings. Love you all and I wish a good health. 

By: Mythile Arumugam

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