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               us for positive aging with longevity.            • Cellular level:
               We learn to accept aging and enjoy               Yoga  practices  reduce  the  rate  of

               the  journey  ahead  gracefully  with            cellular aging and reverse premature
               confidence.  We  find  a  sense  of              aging. Telomeres are the caps at the

               purpose  and  meaningfulness in  life.           end     of     DNA       that     protect
               Yoga  also  improves  the  quality  of           chromosomes. They  are  like  plastic
               life and overall well-being.                     tips at the end of shoelaces. Longer
                                                                telomeres are associated with health

               HOW  YOGA  HELPS  IN                             and longevity.  It has been observed

               SLOWING DOWN AGING:                              that  long  term  meditators  have  10
               Around  the  world,  research  on  the           percent longer telomeres than people

               anti-aging effects of yoga is carried            who never meditate.
               out. It is claimed that we can 'block'           • Hormonal Regulation:
               or  'turn  off''  the  genetic  program          DHEA  (Dehydroepiandrosterone)  is

               called  'aging'.  Although  it  seems            known as the "anti-aging hormone."
               unbelievable, scientific research has            As  we  get  older,  the  production  of
               already  shown  the  benefits  of  yoga          this  hormone  slows  down.  Yoga
               in        preventing          age-related        practices  restore  and  maintain  the

               degeneration  and  slowing  down  the            basal level of growth hormone (GH)
               aging process.                                   and  (DHEA)  in  the  body,  thus

                                                                promoting healthy aging.
                                                                • Effect on Stress:
                                                                Stress  and  emotional  distress  speed
                                                                up  the  aging  process.  The  stress

                                                                hormone  'cortisol'  leads  to  wrinkles
                                                                and  sagging  skin.  Meditation  and
                                                                yoga  practices  lower  cortisol  levels

                                                                by 50 %. This allows the collagen to
                                                                renew  the  aging  skin  and  reduce
                                                                wrinkles.  Decreasing  the  effects  of

                                                                chronic  stress  also  results  in  better

                                                                immune status.
                                                                • Effect on the Brain:

               Suggested                                        As  we  age,  the  brain  function

               Anti-aging mechanisms:                           declines.  Yoga  and  meditation
                                                                improve  the  age-related  decline  in
                                                                cognitive  abilities.  They  improve

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