Page 119 - Mousumi
P. 119
aging process. Some of them are as the signs of aging, and results in
follows. glowing skin.
• Khechari Mudra:
In this mudra, the tongue is thrust Yoga Nidra:
into the gullet, by turning it over It is a state of deep, profound
itself, while focusing the eyes at the relaxation. It is relaxed alertness or
eyebrow center. This practice is restful awareness between sleep and
believed to prevent disease, and gain wakefulness. Anti-aging hormones
control oversleep, hunger, and thirst. are released during the practice
• Kaki Mudra: of yoga Nidra.
It is practiced by rolling the tongue
in the form of a tube and inhaling CONCLUSION:
through it slowly while focusing Aging is a complex process and
eyes at the nose-tip. It prevents multiple factors are involved in the
aging and gives youthfulness. dynamics of aging. As our life span
has increased, it is important to age
• Manduki Mudra: gracefully and lives a healthy,
In this mudra, the tongue is rotated meaningful, and dignified life. We
inside the mouth, while keeping the cannot defy aging forever, but with a
mouth closed. This has a better lifestyle and disciplined life, it
rejuvenating and anti-aging effect on is possible to slow down the aging
the body. progress.
• Varun Mudra:
This is a simple hand gesture "Youth is the gift of nature, but age
practiced by touching the thumb is a work of art." With yoga, it is
with the little finger. It balances the possible to turn this work of art into
water element in the body, prevents a masterpiece...!!
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