Page 115 - Mousumi
P. 115
By Anjali Mangesh Joshi
statistics, in 2018, the global anti-
“Aging is not an option, not for aging market was estimated to be
anyone. It is how gracefully we worth about 50.2 billion U.S.
handle the process and how lucky dollars. However, the outcome of
we are, as the process handles us.” these procedures is limited to outer
-Cindy McDonald. appearance with superficial benefits.
Yogic Perspective on Aging:
What if we change our entire
perspective on aging? If we adopt a
holistic approach of yoga for anti-
aging, we can also get a lot more
other health benefits. Cosmetic
treatments can be compared to
spraying water on the flower to
make it look fresh, whereas the yoga
approach is like nurturing the plant
Getting over the fear of aging: with tender care so that the flower is
In a world that is obsessed with naturally fresh. The much sought
beauty and youth, getting older and after 'fountain of youth' can be found
facing the loss of youth has been on the yoga mat..!!
often fearful. Aging is usually
associated with loneliness, Healthy aging is a process of
depression, disease, disability, loss achieving physical, mental, and
of function, and death. social wellbeing throughout our
The desire to look young is natural. lives, particularly in the later years.
In seeking youthfulness, the search Yoga helps in achieving this goal.
for anti-aging creams, skin Age is not about time, but a state of
treatments, Botox injections, and mind. It's not just limited to the
going under the knife for cosmetic outward younger appearance, but
surgery begins. According to how we feel inside. Yoga empowers
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