Page 113 - Mousumi
P. 113
1. Exercising 4. Taking note of your sleep
Exercising prompts the body to schedules
release endorphins, a chemical The amount of sleep you get
that triggers your body to feel plays a huge role in stress. Try to
energetic, positive, and happy. sleep early and wake up early if
Regular exercise also tones your you can. Getting a healthy 7-8
body and thus, gives one a self- hour sleep is very important. Try
esteem boost and increased to relax and cut off all technology
confidence. at least an hour before bed.
Unwind, have a shower, or
2. Eating the right kind of meditate. Stop trying to think of
food work and things that give you
Mental health is closely related to stress. Sleep and wake up around
one‟s diet. If your body is healthy the same time throughout the
and happy, you will be able to week. Don‟t stay in bed and laze
fight off stress in a much better around on weekends as it can
way. One should include more impact your sleep cycles.
leafy greens, fruits, and
vegetables in their diet along 5. Avoid an unhealthy
with fatty nuts. Studies have also lifestyle
shown that ingesting omega-3 Don't depend on alcohol or
fatty acids also help in reducing smoking to ward off stress. These
stress. On the other hand, one only make you feel relieved
should try to cut down on sugary momentarily but give way to
and processed food. many serious health
complications later. Relying on
3. Indulging in a hobby alcohol can make one lose
One should try to have some 'me control and grip on their life.
time'. Try learning something
new like an instrument, or maybe Stress in today's life is inescapable.
even things like cross-stitching or Everyone has to fight a battle against
home décor. Activities like it at least once in their lifetimes.
gardening and solving puzzles However, that doesn't mean that one
also count as our hobbies. When should give up. Thankfully, stress
one invests time in hobbies, their can be managed easily if one is
mind is temporarily closed off to willing to take a few steps. Try to
thoughts and stress as they start stay positive and fight off stress.
completely concentrating on
what they are doing at the
moment. ***
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