Page 108 - Mousumi
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Fourth, public health education must COVID-19 is an emerging infectious
be based on scientific evidence to disease of global public health
reduce the anxiety and distress concern. Efforts to control the
caused by misinformation. In COVID-19 epidemic are likely to
particular, epidemiological findings require an evidence-based,
need to be reported in a timely and multifactorial approach. First, there
objective manner so that they can be is a need to limit human-to-human
accurately assessed and interpreted. transmission, including reducing
The risk of transmission with brief secondary infections among close
contact (less than 15 min face-to- contacts and health-care workers,
face contact) or infection onset after preventing transmission
14 days of exposure to a known amplification events, and preventing
infected person (the estimated further international spread. Second,
maximum incubation period) is low there is a requirement to rapidly
and should not be exaggerated. identify, isolate, and supply
Misinformation spreads panic optimized look after for patients.
among the overall population and Third, we need to spot and reduce
isn't conducive to the transmission from the animal source
implementation of epidemic control or sources. Fourth, we need to
measures. address crucial uncertainties such as
clinical severity, the extent of
Fifth, WHO has made it clear that transmission and infection, and
there are currently no known treatment options, and accelerate the
effective treatments for COVID-19 development of diagnostics,
and does not recommend the use of therapeutics, and vaccines. We also
antiviral drugs, antibiotics, need to minimize social disruption
glucocorticoids, or traditional and economic impact through
Chinese medicine. Despite this, international, collaborative, and
there have been reports of the use of multisectoral approaches. Most
oseltamivir, lopinavir/ritonavir, importantly, we need to
prednisone, antibiotics, and communicate the epidemiology and
traditional Chinese medicine for the risks of COVID-19, both to health-
treatment of patients with COVID- care workers and the general
19. Care should be taken to not give population, and to implement
patients drugs of unknown efficacy, infection prevention and control
which might be detrimental to measures that are based on sound
critically ill patients with COVID- scientific principles.
19; clinical trials are urgently
required in this context. Likewise, Hopefully, the lessons we would
the development of a vaccine is an have learned about living within the
urgent public health priority. parameters defined by the lockdown
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