Page 111 - Mousumi
P. 111
bad diet might be harmful; you comprises social, emotional, and
should be careful will making food behavioural health. It affects our
choices as food can be either the mood, how we think, feel, and act.
fastest medicine or the slowest The fact that can‟t be left out of
poison. And a strong body you need consideration is according to WHO
to have a balanced diet. A balanced one person suicides every 40
diet contains a different variety of seconds. this is mainly due to mental
foods in certain proportions so your illness .one can face mental illness
requirement for calories, proteins, due to a family history of mental
etc. is adequate. problems, previous experiences of
abuses, and biological factors such
Secondly, fitness is as important as as genes or brain chemistry. Out of
nutrition. Many people claim that these three, we can control the
people go to the gym to lose weight illness caused due to abuse at the
as they hate their bodies and want to individual level. You must not let
reshape it, but this is entirely wrong. the nasty in others kill the pleasing
Fitness does not give what‟s left of you. As you are well versed that a
you instead gives the best of you. ship drowns when it allows the
The most important virtue is water to come inside it, the same is
patience as being fit takes time and your life you will become negative
you will not gain strength and when you allow the negativity to
stamina on the day you start. enter your mind. Some ways of
Patience is important otherwise improving mental health are to have
you‟ll end up with apps like 6 pack self-confidence, self-esteem, and
abs in 30 days. You need to start up thinking positively.
slowly and then after a week or two
speed up the pace. Consistency is a At last in my nutshell I would like to
virtue that is kept forward with high conclude that if fitness is king,
regard while doing fitness. nutrition is the queen, mental health
Consistency is something you do is the population and you own an
regularly and becomes a lifestyle. It empire called health. Moreover,
also helps to fit diseases and reduce health is not a part of your life, it is
their risk. life.
Last but not the least mental well- ***
being is an important aspect. It
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