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                    tissue  when  you  cough  or  sneeze.           Apply  a  coin-sized  amount on
                    Then  eliminate  the  used  tissue               your hands. There’s no got to use
                    immediately  and  wash  your  hands.             an  outsized  amount  of  the
                    Droplets spread viruses. By following            merchandise.
                    good respiratory hygiene, you protect           Avoid touching your eyes, mouth,
                    the  people  around  you  from  viruses          and  nose  immediately  after  using
                    like cold, flu, and COVID-19.                    an  alcohol-based  hand  sanitizer,
                                                                     because it can irritate.
                    Stay  home  and  self-isolate  even  with       Hand  sanitizers recommended  to
                    minor     symptoms      like    cough,           guard  against  COVID-19  are
                    headache,  mild  fever,  until  you              alcohol-based    and     thus    are
                    recover.  Have  someone  bring  you              often flammable. Don’t     use    it
                    supplies. If you would like to go away           before handling fire or cooking.
                    from  your  house,  wear  a  mask  to           Under  no  circumstance,  drink,  or
                    avoid  infecting  others.  Avoiding              let  children  swallow  an  alcohol-
                    contact with others will protect them            based  hand  sanitizer.  It  is  often
                    from  possible  COVID-19  and  other             poisonous.
                    viruses.                                        Remember  that  washing  your
                                                                     hands  with  soap  and  water  is
                    Continue  so  far  on  the  newest               additionally    effective    against
                    information from trusted sources, like           COVID-19.
                    WHO  or  your  local  and  national
                    health authorities. Local and national       The  outbreak  of  coronavirus  disease
                    authorities  are  best  placed  to  advise   2019  (COVID-19),  which  originated
                    on what people in your area should be        in Wuhan, China, in December 2019,
                    doing to guard themselves.                   has  been  declared  a  public  health

                                                                 emergency  of  international  concern
                    Some  Advice  on  the  safe  use  of         by WHO.
                    alcohol-based hand sanitizers:
                                                                 By March 2, 2020, 80,026 confirmed
                                                                 cases  had  been  reported  in  China,
                    To  protect  yourself  and  all  others      causing  2009  deaths,  and  therefore
                    against COVID-19, clean your hands
                                                                 the  epidemic  had  spread  to  25
                    frequently  and  thoroughly.  Use  an
                    alcohol-based hand  sanitizer or  wash       countries around the world.
                                                                 On Jan 20, 2020, China declared the
                    your  hands  with  soap  and  water.  If     disease  a  second-class  communicable
                    you  employ  an  alcohol-based  hand         disease     but     has      introduced
                    sanitizer,  confirm  your  employ  and
                                                                 management measures for a first-class
                    store it carefully.
                                                                 communicabledisease (considered the
                                                                 foremost  dangerous  category  of
                       Keep alcohol-based             hand
                       sanitizers  out  of  children’s  reach.   infection). Most areas of the country
                                                                 have adopted public health first-level
                       Teach  them  the  way to  apply  the
                                                                 response  measures  (considered  the
                       sanitizer and monitor its use.
                                                                 very  best  level  of  response).  Within

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