Page 14 - Mousumi
P. 14
By Tuhin Rebek
Long-lasting sadness or
irritability; with persistent
thoughts and memories
Extremely high and low mood
swings; feeling unusually
confused, forgetful, worried
and upset.
Excessive fear, worry, or
anxiety; hallucinating voices
What is mental health? And what is and believing false things.
awareness about it? Simply putting Yelling on friends and family
mental health is an average status of members.
how you feel about yourself, your life, Dramatic changes in eating or
your environment in general. In our sleeping habits; having low or no
country it's not a debatable topic energy
especially with our family. Starting Generally these symptoms acts as a
from school, we don't have warning sign. Psychologists in
counsellors to cope up with various Bangladesh says that every year there
changes in our teen years .Sadly most are approximately 11000 suicides in
of us don't share much with our Bangladesh and the rate is
parents either, thinking they won't consistently higher among young
understand its depth. We are just told people which is concerning. Main
to be the perfect human being cause of it is their downfall of mental
without perfecting the art of mental health. So we can verily evaluate the
health awareness. So what are the importance of taking care of our
symptoms of mental health problems? mental health.
How do we maintain a positive
outlook towards life? How do we take Ways to stay positive:-
care of ourselves? ◦To Remove toxicity from our life.
Couple of self-report tests showing Toxicity and attachment might be co-
the common symptoms of mental related. In that case it will be hard.
health problems:- But we got to do what we need to. At
the end of the day the biggest
development in your life is to take a
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