Page 10 - Mousumi
P. 10
By- Tirth Khale
Some people use the word often and
in the wrong places. Depression is a
big word. We can’t say we are
depressed because a huge dog chased
us. As weird as it sounds, people who
use this word as easily as they breathe.
It should not be. Depression is
neither a tool for attention-seeking
nor anything to be ashamed of. The
moment we find out that we are in
depression, we can decide to get over
it or out of it. Now that we know it
Often in our life, we come across a and we have accepted it, fifty percent
phase, where the entire universe task is done.
seems to be against us. Our friends, After identification comes
our family, strangers, and even our confrontation. We are told and we
pets, all seem to hurt us through their grow to believe, “This too will pass”
speech or actions. We feel helpless, or to “Go with the flow”. But, why
worthless, and sad, get angry very go with the flow when we know how
quickly and start reacting to to swim? If a person starts drowning,
everything, small or big. Most of us the person will always try to swim and
want to get out of it. There is a reason save himself. Then why should we go
for saying ‘most of you’. The others, with the flow rather than swimming
who do not want to come out of it, against the tide? The moment we take
do not even know about it. The first responsibility for our own lives and
step towards dealing with depression our problems, we will come out of it
and coming out of depression’ is in no time. Believe in our powers.
identifying and accepting what Believe that we can lead a happy life.
depression is. We need to accept the Belief will lead us to bliss.
rough patch we are going through and Now, when we have accepted our
very ‘thoughtfully’ name it
mental state and decided to take
‘depression’. Depression is long-
responsibility for our problems, we
lasting, the symptoms being lack of
personal hygiene, feeling of need to know why we are facing it.
Who is responsible for this condition
loneliness, not wanting to be around of our mind? Is it our friends, your
people, restlessness, change in
family, or your pet? I know who it is
sleeping and eating patterns, etc.
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