Page 8 - Mousumi
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If you are from those who love The best way to relieve stress and
making the best out of waste, then feel free is to jot down your
you can make anything and list the feelings, thoughts. By this way, we
steps for making it and upload it in also find solutions to some issues
social media and if you do not and remain positive and
have your own idea then you can motivated. I think jotting down
follow any art and craft channel on your emotions is better, rather
YouTube. This helps to share our than speaking it to someone
thoughts and our ideas throughout because paper has more patience
the world and also know ideas of than man. This means that when
people throughout the world. we speak to a person, he/she gets
You can arrange your home in a bored listening to us after
different way, decorate and sometime but paper never does so,
impress others. it listens to us till we want it to. If
You can have online lessons for you don’t like to write then you
what you always wanted to learn, can sketch your emotions or
and practice it at home. record whatever makes you
You can learn cooking (those who stressed in your phone and I
do not know how to) or learn how guarantee that this will make you
to cook some innovative recipes calm and stress free.
or share your cookery ideas with The best and most effective way
others. of relieving stress is laughing
You can draw beautiful sceneries frankly for at least 10 minutes a
and if you are not perfect at day. If you cannot laugh without
drawing, you can put effort in any reason, then you can prefer
improving it. reading humorous stories or jokes
There are many T.V. shows that online.
teach dancing, singing, etc. you These were a few ideas by which
can consider those shows for you can make your daily schedule
enjoying. interestin
without being stressed. You need not
follow a specific timetable, rather you Don’t argue on topics, which you
should follow such timetable you feel know that the argument won’t lead to
comfortable and you can easily work fruitful results.
according to it.
Besides these, there are four magic Alter:
words for relieving stress: Alter the situation-
Speak about your problem with your
parents or closed ones and discuss
Avoid unnecessary stress
Make a task table of what to do and
See for alternate solutions for the
what not to do so as to reduce problem.
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