Page 16 - Mousumi
P. 16
not come to normal scenario easily
some may be very polite If they are
suffering from the stress and
depression, bringing them to the
normal scenario but these are should
be done by the other person but this
is not a perfect solution for the stress
and this, not a correct way to deal the
stress the person who suffers from
"STRESS," the word stress itself says the stress and depression they have to
take some preventions to deal it.
that the meaning it is meant by a
person who has been upset due to STRESS WILL COME TO
some problems. Due to stress that WHOM?
person may be depressed. So we have It starts with the students to old aged
some tips and tricks to rescue persons people.
who suffer from stress and
And a Common request to all people
that before getting tension we need to
How to deal with stress: calm ourselves that may help us to
Stress may affect human beings' not to get depressed.
health to prevent it we should control Being angry is also a problem for
it. getting depresses it is all according to
Normally we can identify a person us. And stress brings many health
who is in stress by their reactions, for issues. It may affect the heart and
example, a person after his office gets brings heart diseases and a person
over he will go home that day maybe who always being depressed may be
he has more works so that he will be mentally sick to overcome all this we
little stressed after he /she gets back have tips here.
to home and the reaction will be
Do the works which you have
changed and their family members
participated concretely without any
will find out that because seeing him distractions. Be smiled always and
every day happy.
be calm if any problems happen. Get
Dealing with stress is very refresh like doing any fun like that be
complicated because It is according to always fresh.
the personal attitude and behavior
some may be adamant this person will
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