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                    drugs,  antibiotics,  glucocorticoids,  or   after  for  patients.  Third,  we  need  to
                    traditional Chinese medicine. Despite        spot  and  reduce  transmission  from
                    this,  there  have  been  reports  of  the   the animal source or sources. Fourth,
                    use of oseltamivir, lopinavir/ritonavir,     we     need     to    address    crucial
                    prednisone, antibiotics, and traditional     uncertainties such as clinical severity,
                    Chinese medicine for the treatment of        the  extent  of  transmission  and
                    patients with COVID-19. Care should          infection, and treatment options, and
                    be taken to not give patients drugs of       accelerate    the    development     of
                    unknown  efficacy,  which  might  be         diagnostics,      therapeutics,     and
                    detrimental  to  critically  ill  patients   vaccines.  We  also  need  to  minimize
                    with  COVID-19;  clinical  trials  are       social  disruption  and  economic
                    urgently  required  in  this  context.       impact       through      international,
                    Likewise,  the  development  of  a           collaborative,    and     multisectoral
                    vaccine  is  an  urgent  public  health      approaches.  Most  importantly,  we
                    priority.                                    need      to      communicate       the
                    COVID-19 is an emerging infectious           epidemiology  and  risks  of  COVID-
                    disease  of  global  public  health          19,  both  to  health-care  workers  and
                    concern.  Efforts  to  control  the          the  general  population,  and  to
                    COVID-19  epidemic  are  likely  to          implement  infection  prevention  and
                    require       an       evidence-based,       control  measures  that  are  based  on
                    multifactorial approach. First, there is     sound scientific principles.
                    a  need  to  limit  human-to-human
                    transmission,    including    reducing       Hopefully, the lessons we would have
                    secondary  infections  among  close          learned  about  living  within  the
                    contacts  and  health-care  workers,         parameters  defined  by  the  lockdown
                    preventing transmission amplification        without  dependence  on  what  was
                    events,   and    preventing     further      once unimaginable will stay with us.
                    international spread. Second,  there  is     *****************************
                    a  requirement  to  rapidly  identify,
                    isolate,  and  supply  optimized  look

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