Page 23 - Mousumi
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causes of the same, it is difficult to cope up with this and find a solution.
Causes of Naxalism:
The causes of the Naxalism elites, and asserts and cultural values
movement in India are structural and are the pillars of the issues Naxalism
interrelated to several factors in is based on.
society. Economic growth, political
Economic Growth:
It can be seen that their strongest salaries to those working with them.
bases are in the Areas, where the This proves that these poor people
guerrillas are located are mostly are none but the army source and the
undeveloped areas that are lacking in fuel to the Naxalites. Naxalites have a
the educational values, economic large impact on the lives of the tribal
growth, and the availability of the communities as authorities have
basic needs of people living in the lacked in gaining trust in the tribal
region. This ultimately resulted in community.
their separation from the mainstream
of growth. On account of this Political elites and asserts:
detachment, youth from these areas
The main problem is the failure in the
are always kept behind the flow of formulation and implementation of
education. They are not able to match the right schemes at the right time
up with the urban culture which and targeting the right people. Due to
forces them to return to rural areas, the underground existence of
still aspiring for urban facilities. This Naxalites in the rural areas of the
has to lead to a low degree of affected states, they never connected
employment in these regions and the with the authorities of the respective
youth is now falling to the false states. So the laws which were built to
attractions and impressions created by overcome this internal security
the Naxalites in these regions.Poorest problem had a very less possibility
areas of India. According to some
that they were conveyed to them.
researchers, it was found that
Naxalists provide uniforms and
Proper contextual meaning leading to repression of inhabitants by the state-
extreme misunderstandings between government authorities which have
these organizations and the state destroyed their traditional social
government. Also, the states are bond.
attempting to increase their influence
in these areas which is resulting in the
The negligence of the government in poor conditions at these places has
terms of the improvisation of the resulted in support to Naxalists by
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