Page 19 - Weaver Magazine | Volume 17 - January 2023
P. 19


                           Amazon : The World’s Largest Rainforest

                                                   By: Priyanka Basu

          “The  forest  is  a  peculiar  organism  of  unlimited    Why Amazon is Largest ?
          kindness and benevolence that makes no demands            Largest in Size :
          for  its  sustenance  and  extends  generously  the         Although  58.4%  of  the  Amazon  basin  is
          products of its life activity ; it affords protection to  contained  within  the  borders  of  Brazil,  but
          all beings , offering shade even to the axe – man         eight other countries including Peru, Bolivia,
          who destroys it.” – Gautama Buddha.                       Colombia,  Venezuela.  Guyana,  Suriname,
          Amazon  is  the  largest  and  most  popular  tropical    French  Guyana  and  Ecuador  also  share  the
          rainforest  in  the  world,  expands  from  a  200  mile  Amazon  basin.  The  basin  encompasses
          front along the Atlantic to a belt 1200 miles wide        7,000,000  area,  of  which  5,500,000
          where  the  lowlands  meet  the  Andean  foothills  ,  are  covered  by  the  Amazon  forest.
          provides  shelter  for  30  million  people  and          Four     nations    have    their   first-level
          numerous  species  of  insects,  plants  ,  birds  and    administrative regions named as “ Amazonas
          other forms of life. The Amazon rainforest region         “,whereas  France  labelled  its  rainforest
          is  in  the  northern  part  of  the  South  America  ,   protected area as “Guiana Amazonian Park “.
          stretches across the countries of Brazil , Suriname       With  390  billion  individual  trees  and  30
          , French Guiana, Peru and Guiana. With its ability        million people Amazon represents over half
          to supply 20% of the earth’s oxygen, this “ lung of       of  the  earth’s  remaining  rainforests  and
          the  world“  is  the  source  of  livelihood  for         comprises  the  largest  tropical  rainforest  of
          thousands  of  indigenous  groups  and  forest            this planet.
          dependent people.                                                                        Page   18

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