Page 14 - Weaver Magazine | Volume 17 - January 2023
P. 14


            Effect of surrounding environment on real estate project

            By : Wildanita Risna Anggi Aisyifa

           Before we get to know or know how it is possible
           that the surrounding environment has a big role
           in building a real estate project, then from there
           we have to know what is real estate? Real estate
           itself  can  be  interpreted  as  land  which  includes
           buildings  that  are  on  it  or  something  that  is
           permanently  attached  to  it.  Therefore,  the  real
           estate  business  is  a  business  that  aims  to  trade
           land  and  buildings  on  it.  Examples  include
           housing,  warehouses,  buildings,  apartments  and
           so on. However, the real estate business itself is
           different  from  the  property  business,  there  are
           subtle  differences  between  the  two.  In  short,  it
           can be seen from the keywords that distinguish
           the  real  estate  business  from  the  property
           business lies in its physical form and ownership.
           Real  estate  is  more  inclined  to  physical  form
           (land and buildings). Meanwhile, property is more
           inclined  to  physical  ownership  (land  and
           There  are  several  advantages  of  the  real  estate  There  are  several  types  of  real  estate  business
           business. Every investment will definitely provide    based on their use, real estate can be divided into
           a big profit or profit, and the property business is  five  types,  namely:  Residential,  such  as  landed
           no  exception.  the  real  estate  business  itself  is  a  houses,   apartments,   condominiums,    and
           type  of  long-term  investment  that  requires       townhouses. Commercial, such as world centers,
           proper  observation  and  analysis,  which  we  will  offices,  hotels,  cinemas,  golf  courses,  and
           then  feel  the  benefits  of  in  the  future.  The  waterparks.  Industry,  such  as  factories  and
           following  are  the  advantages  of  the  Real  Estate  warehouses.  Plantations,  such  as  gardens,  rice
           business: Prices tend to always go up, big profits,   fields,  and  forests.  Others  that  are  not  included
           not too affected by economic inflation, can be a      in  the  four  types  above,  such  as  places  of
           source of passive income, and finally can be used     worship,  hospitals,  government  facilities,  and
           as  a  long-term  investment.  then  besides  there   schools. However, in practice or in reality, there
           are   definite   advantages     there    will   be    are only two types of real estate that are usually
           disadvantages  in  running  a  business,  following   used,  namely  landed  houses  and  commercial
           Losses  from  the  property  business  can  come      ones.  These  two  types  of  real  estate  are  most
           from  building  maintenance  costs  because  it       often  used  by  businessmen  or  developers  in
           requires  a  lot  of  funds,  requires  a  lot  of  capital  dividing their business categories. Part of the two
           and requires large transaction costs, and there is    types  of  real  estate  is  due  to  the  fact  that  each
           a risk of being destroyed if the area experiences     has different types of risks and types of buyers.
           natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, etc.                                      Page  13

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