Page 15 - Weaver Magazine | Volume 17 - January 2023
P. 15
In building or developing a real estate business, Image Source: Michelle_Maria @ Pixabay
we must have a strategy, concept, etc. to develop
quickly and rapidly. The first thing that must be Then there are environmental or industrial areas,
done in building a real estate business area is to for example R&B, warehouses and factories
prepare a plan that is mature and has an where other industries are located. in this
interesting concept that will be implemented. environment we can build houses that we can
The main thing that can attract people's interest later rent out or we can also build housing that
is in terms of the environment, such as can later be offered to employees who work in
apartments or buildings that are in the school the industrial environment. However, in an
environment, in the city center, or other elite environment like this we have to adjust the
areas. For example, a prestigious high school is selling price to the average salary of an employee
an absolute necessity in the real estate business there.
model. If the school has been built or has been
famous for a long time, then indirectly parents or Therefore apart from all that, we must first
other people will be interested in buying a house prepare intentions and consider and be prepared
or apartment there, because it saves more time for the impact that will occur if we build or start
and children won't be tired when they come a business, starting from setting strategies to
home from school. This will then have an impact finding investors and looking for targets to aim
on opportunities from the real estate business, for. The real estate business will develop and
house or apartment prices soar, because the progress if capital, marketing, concepts and
educational complex is bigger than other areas. others are carefully and precisely regulated.
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