Page 21 - Weaver Magazine | Volume 17 - January 2023
P. 21


          Largest Store of Natural Medicines :                      Deforestation,  exploitation  in  the  Amazon
                  Indigenous  people  make  up  9%  of  the  total  rainforest  due  to  agriculture,  construction  of
          population with 60 of the groups remaining largely        infrastructures such as roads or dams , mining
          isolated.  For  millions  of  years,  mankind  has  used  activities, urbanization leads to the destruction
          insects  and  plants  as  the  source  of  medicine.  The  of  biodiversity.  By  destroying  the  forests  ,
          indigenous  tribe  Yanomamo  used  plants  for  the       human  activities  are  putting  the  entire
          treatment of several diseases for thousands of years      ecosystems in danger and placing life at threat.
          and in the modern western medicine , many of their        Soil  erosion  is  one  of  the  consequences  of
          findings  have  been  applied.  Amazon  may  hold         deforestation.  Deforestation  also  leads  to  the
          natural remedies for some of the many diseases of         climate  change  and  contributes  to  the
          today.                                                    greenhouse  effect.  In  2019,  there  have  been
                                                                    72,843  fires  in  Brazil  with  record  number  of
          Largest Source of Climate Control :                       fires  in  the  Amazon  region  results  in  the
              The Amazon rainforest is responsible for 75 % of      destruction of trees and biodiversity.  To lessen
          its own rainfall that feeds the nearby rivers through     future  loss  of  forests  we  must  increase  and
          evapotranspiration. Researchers have asserted that        sustain  the  productivity  of  farms,  pastures,
          rainfall in the Amazon not only affects the climate       plantations  and  scrub-land  in  addition  to
          of South America but also influences the rainfall of      restoring species and ecosystems to degraded
          Central and Western United States. Amazon forest          habitats.  By  reducing  wasteful  land-use
          exchanges  tonne  of  water  with  the  surrounding       practices,  consolidating  gains  on  existing
          atmosphere  and  controls  the  local  and  regional      cleared lands and improving already developed
          climates.                                                 lands  we  can  diminish  the  need  to  clear
                                                                    additional  rainforest.  Measures  have  been
          Largest Store of Carbon :                                 taken in restoring the endangered and extinct
              The Amazon rainforest contains 390 billion trees      animals.  The  extension  of  protected  areas
          that  absorb  carbon  dioxide  from  the  atmosphere      within  the  Amazon  region  is  a  key  to
          and  thus  prevents  the  global  warming.  Amazon        maximizing survival of biodiversity. Sustainable
          forest  contains  over  one  third  of  all  the  carbon  development     should    be    considered    an
          stores ( 86 billion tonnes ) in the world.                underlying philosophy to be applied via policy
                                                                    to various agents and industries involved in the
          Best Place for Ecotourism :                               use  and  development  of  rainforest  lands  and
                    The  Amazon  is  one  of  the  best  place  for  resources.
          ecotourism. Nowadays, $11.6 million dollar USD per                Amazon  rainforest  is  so  large  and  diverse
          year  profit  is  made  on  Amazon  ecotourism  which     because  of  the  climate  change  induced
          not  only  benefits  the  local  economy  but  it  also   fragmentation and geographic isolation . Today
          educates    people    about    the   importance    of     scientists believe that biological influences are
          conserving  forests,  The  revenue  made  by  the         more of the cause of the species evolution. Due
          ecotourism is injected to the local people for their      to  the  fact  that  the  Amazon  rainforest  is  so
          betterment of life.                                       huge,  much  of  the  wildlife  has  yet  to  be
                                                                    discovered.  There  are  million  of  species  out
          Preservation of World’s Largest Rainforest:               there  that  are  completely  unknown  to  the
           While we proudly celebrate the International Day         world.  This  shows  the  largeness  and  diversity
          of Forests on March 21 every year , it is our duty to     of the Amazon rainforest. We should work hard
          preserve the forests and save the lives of the trees      to preserve the forests of our planet.
          for saving the human world.                                                              Page  20

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