Page 23 - Weaver Magazine | Volume 17 - January 2023
P. 23
Dress Comfortably
Wear comfortable clothing that
keeps you cool and facilitates easy
movement. Restrictive clothing can
affect your form and posture, and
this, in turn, could lead to injuries.
Also, clothing that retains body heat
can be dangerous because it doesn’t
allow your body to cool down during
Ensure You Have Adequate Space To
If you are working out at home, this
is particularly important. Ensure that
you have adequate space to perform
your home workouts, so you don’t
accidentally hit something and hurt
yourself. Having sufficient space also
allows you to exercise more freely,
without any form or posture
Listen To Your Body
Adopt The Right Form Lastly, listen to your body and
Form and posture are extremely important, no matter what structure your workouts and exercise
kind of exercise you perform. Whether it is running, cross- regimen accordingly. If you are
fit, HIIT, resistance training or swimming, poor form or unable to exercise as per usual on
posture can end up putting a lot of pressure on your joints, any given day, take it slow. And
leading to chronic injury over the long term. always choose workouts that you
enjoy, so you can stick with them and
Progress Slowly And Steadily perform them consistently.
It can be tempting to load one more weight plate on the
barbell rod or to push through and run an extra mile. But Conclusion
keep in mind that progress is slow and steady. Add more These tips and tricks can help you
reps or sets in a steady manner and only when your body make your regular exercise sessions
can take on the extra effort. This will minimise the safer and more effective. That said,
occurrence of injuries sometimes, despite the best safety
. measures, you may be injured while
Set Aside Time For Recovery working out at the gym or at home.
Recovery is very important for the body. It is not necessary Depending on the nature of the
to exercise or work out each day of the week. You need to injury, the costs of medical treatment
set aside days for your body to recover from the physical may be steep.
strain of strenuous workouts. This will promote better
results over the long run. Page 22
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