Page 27 - Weaver Magazine | Volume 17 - January 2023
P. 27
In an interview, Mr. Rajiv Singh
shared his vision of DLF’s future,
“DLF will have good blend of annuity
projects and development projects.
We will also have extremely strong
balance sheet. We will not add but
replace our land banks. Balance sheet
will allow us to do all that without
any strain. We could also leverage
the balance sheet to create
something significant. We will have
to take a call on that in future. At this
point of time, focus is to create an
ethical and compliant organisation.
We will be able to do much more
than what we can do today with such
an organisation.”
All this while, DLF’s reality business
has remained solidly on track,
delivering an impressive profit. For a
man and his company setting such a
Mr. K.P. Singh, father of Rajiv Singh is confident that his pace, a few mishaps are can be
granddaughters, have the grit and aptitude to take the expected. DLF’s most notable failure
empire forward. Savitri, elder one, is business head of the was the unsuccessful bid for a
company’s mall division. Anushka, the younger, takes care telecom license that effectively put
of DLF Phase V homes. Both have completed their Bachelor on hold its foray into the booming
Degree from the University of Pennsylvania, with a telecom sector. Earlier, its plan to list
specialization in Real Estate and Management. Mr. K.P. of stock market in 2006 was delayed
Singh trusts his instinct when he says that DLF Phase V is by a year due to regulatory issues.
his dream, he would like seeing fulfilled through the eyes of But when DLF did finally list in July,
his granddaughters, thanks to the vision of his son Rajiv. 2008, its Rs.9000 crore IPO made
This success story has been dream and passion.” Indian stock market history as its
DLF Group is the largest real estate company of India in biggest ever issue.
terms of revenues, market capitalisation and developable
area. It has around 70 years track record of sustained Mr. Rajiv Singh is of the view that
growth, customer satisfaction and innovation. DLF group large scale infrastructure
has over 231 million square feet (msf) of completed developments across the country will
development and 423 msf of planned projects and has pan create a need for supporting real
India presence across 32 cities. Its main business is estate. Real Estate Sector will do well.
development of residential, commercial and retail The govt. has been supportive during
properties. The company has a unique business model with a difficult patch. If it continues
revenue arising from development and rentals. Its exposure supportiveness, the industry will
across business, segments and geographies, mitigates any reciprocate. It will be a big
down-cycles in the market. DLF has also forayed in contributor to India’s growth in the
infrastructure, SEZ and hotel businesses. years to come.
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