Page 28 - Weaver Magazine | Volume 17 - January 2023
P. 28


                                                                                      Post COVID-19

                                                                                    Real Estate Business

                                                                                   By: ANDINNA SEPTIANA ESA PUTRI

          When  referencing  Bank  Rate,  it  is  important  to   The values of most forms of property, including
          note  that  real  estate  encompasses  not  only  the   homes,  apartments,  and  automobiles,  have
          land  itself,  but  also  the  structures  and  resources  dropped  significantly.  Expenditure  restraint  in
          located there. Both commercial and industrial uses      the face of a pandemic has contributed to a drop
          of  real  estate,  such  as  running  a  store,  office  in demand for real estate.
          building, or manufacturing facility, require suitable   While  a  drop  in  property  value  is  usually  bad
          locations.  However,  real  estate  that  is  primarily  news,  there  are  several  situations  in  which  it
          intended for human habitation constitutes the vast      might be beneficial. Those with a genuine need
          majority of all property. Any sort of property, from    for a home may fare better now that prices have
          the smallest cottage to the grandest mansion, can       dropped.  A  large  number  of  people  have  been
          be found in a residential area.                         interested in real estate transactions as a result
                                                                  of  the  many  incentives  offered,  such  as  lower

          In  other  words,  residential  real  estate  is  created  interest rates and simpler transactions.
          when  a  piece  of  land  that  has  been  zoned  for   Real  estate,  which  includes  things  like  homes,
          residential  use  is  purchased  and  developed.        land,  and  buildings,  is  an  extremely  potential
          Therefore, real estate can refer to everything from     investment commodity beyond just meeting the
          property  to  land  to  structures  to  air  or  ground  basic  necessities  of  a  society.  Property  is  a
          rights  over  or  under  a  piece  of  property.  The   sought-after investment option due to its steady
          literal or tangible property is meant by this phrase.   appreciation in value, minimal volatility in price,
          Real estate can also mean the making, buying, and       and  low  risk.  Phil,  a  global  stock  market
          selling  of  tangible  assets  in  the  context  of     specialist  in  the  year  2020,  investigates  the
          commerce.  Furthermore,  the  real  estate  industry    effects  of  COVID-19  on  the  stock  market.  His
          is a key economic driver that affects national GDP      analysis  indicated  that  the  COVID-19  epidemic
          growth.  The  Covid-19  pandemic  caused  a             was  an  excellent  opportunity  to  invest  in  the
          sequential  economic  slowdown  throughout  the         stock market because many people were selling
          second,  third,  and  fourth  quarters  of  2020.  The  their  holdings  at  low  rates.  In  the  midst  of  the
          slowdown     has    impacted    several   industries    ongoing  Covid-19  pandemic,  the  real  estate
          negatively in Indonesia, particularly the real estate   market  represents  the  only  secure  investment
          market.                                                 option available to financiers.
                                                                                                    Page  27

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