Page 29 - Weaver Magazine | Volume 17 - January 2023
P. 29
IAs a safest preemptive measure,
developers would typically solely focus
on selling existing products and
delaying new product launches rather
than continuing to evaluate the market
to issue the best plan in scenarios like
these. Launching a product in the
current market is possible, if sufficient
research has been conducted. It’s not
enough for a developer to simply
change their approach to development
or marketing. Many developers have
transferred their marketing resources
from traditional offline channels like
trade shows, grand openings, and
Due to the abrupt reduction in market circumstances prime locations in shopping malls and
caused by the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) other congested public spaces.
pandemic, developers have had to be more flexible Increase in property value is due to
than usual. At this time, the community’s priority is four distinct causes. A rise in urban and
on the well-being of its members and their families suburban real estate prices can be
rather than the real estate market. Some argue that attributed, in part, to two factors: first,
the property market bottomed out in 2020 after net population expansion, where
being stagnant since 2014, and that current property demand is driven by
conditions are merely a continuation of this pattern. exponential population growth rates or
While the property began to show signs of migration, and second, increased
improvement by year’s end, it took another setback supply. Earnings growth and job
in early March 2020 when it was revealed that the availability are the second topic.
first two people to contract Covid-19 had been Consumers are more ready and able to
identified. It is not true that developers in such a invest in real estate when their income,
position are obligated to keep quiet for fear of or their level of MSE, and the
worsening the company’s predicament. Branding unemployment rate fall. The next topic
products and enticing consumers to buy them will is official policy. Ease of licensing, tax
continue to be priorities, but the rollout of these breaks, and public housing subsidies
initiatives will be concentrated on the largest are all examples of government policies
markets. that affect the availability of property.
Funding options are now available.
Answers of crossword Consumer purchasing power can also
be improved by interest relief based on
Down high or low seven day repo rates and
Across 1. Stable through the availability of low-interest
2. Teetotaler 3. Deaf home loans (KPR).
6. Hawk 4. Orphan
8. Poet 5. Nap
7. Blind
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