Things to Know before Choosing SEO as a Career!

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The people who have an online business, they know the importance of relevant traffic to their website because the relevant traffic to the website will help in ranking the website on the search engines as well as it helps in increasing the sale. It is not an easy process to bring the traffic to the site, for this one needs the help of the SEO professionals who can help in optimizing the website. And due to higher demand in online business, there are many people who want to make their career as an SEO expert, so if you also want one of them, then you must have to know a few things. Here are things to know before choosing SEO as a career:

How to become an SEO expert Or How to start a career in SEO

When you think about SEO as a career, then you must have to think about how well you know about SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is one of the important parts of the digital marketing. Why is SEO important? The SEO techniques help to bring the traffic to the website by improving the page ranks in the search engine. The SEO experts know very well about the SEO procedure and techniques to make the client’s website show up at the top of the search engine result.

In Search Engine Optimization, content plays a very important role, so the experts know that how to develop the content, how to use keywords or phrases in it, what would be the frequency of keywords, how to make the content engaging and so on. The SEO professional knows everything about it and they are experienced, decision maker and problem solver as well as he or she has the ability to develop relevant and engaging content for the website. The professionals implement various search engine marketing techniques on the website to bring the most relevant traffic to the website. The experts know the importance of internal links or backlinks, they know very well that which is the best locations and the best technique to internal links.

Roles and Responsibilities of an SEO Expert

When a person thinks about starting a career as an SEO expert, then one must have to know about the roles and responsibilities of an SEO expert. Here are the Roles and Responsibilities of an SEO expert:

Roles of an SEO Expert:

  • Candidate must two levels of Optimization i.e. On-Page and Off-Page optimization
  • Must have to manage onsite and offsite optimization project and create a report based on the performance
  • Must know about developing and implementing SEO strategies
  • Has to work under the budget and set the strategies which will suit with budget
  • Use the content in the right way which will bring more traffic to the website
  • Using the right and effective keywords at the relevant place in the website, and it is one of an important task of an SEO expert
  • Using strategies that increase in-bound traffic
  • Knows about generating traffic which will convert them into leads and leads into sales.

There are many more tasks that have to be performed by an SEO expert.

Responsibilities of an SEO expert:

An SEO expert plays a very important role in the marketing area. One has to think very creatively to build a positive reputation among the relevant customers.

  • Execute the tests, collect and analyze the data and results, identify the market trends and analytics in order to get the maximum ROI in paid search campaigns
  • Expert has to manage the campaign, expenses, estimating the monthly budget, staying on the budget and reconciling discrepancies
  • Research and implement SEO recommendations
  • Perform ongoing keyword discovery, expansion and the optimization of keywords
  • Coordinate with the team to make sure the SEO strategies are followed in the right way
  • Coordinate with the development team to ensure the best practices of SEO are implemented properly or not on the newly developed code
  • Research and analyze competitor advertising links
  • Develop and implement a link building strategy.

SEO Career opportunities

SEO career is nothing but the career in digital marketing, there are a number of companies that have openings for digital marketing experts and each and every company wants that their name of a company should be recognized by the world, so they make the online website or an online portal. The website needs an SEO (search engine optimization) which helps their website to go on top most position in the search engine. There are a number of openings for the SEO experts, most of the companies need an SEO specialist in their team so that they can run a business in a suitable manner. The ratio of opportunities are very high in the SEO services company, in the developing countries the requirement is very high.

Scope of SEO as a Career Choice: Pros, Cons, Job, Salary & Career growth

There are a large number of companies available across the globe who are searching for the SEO specialist. There is a lot of scope for a person who is in SEO but there are some pros and cons that are also in SEO. As compared to other fields, an SEO expert will get a very good salary.


Free – SEO is completely free and it depends upon you how much time you are spending on searching the keyword and how to use the high quality content.

Mobile Friendly – If you have good SEO then your site is responsive and it works fast, one of the best things is that it is mobile friendly.

Localized traffic – With the help of local SEO tools you can improve and get the advantage of local traffic.


Targeted by the competitors – If you are on the top most position in the SEO then you are always targeted by the competitors as they also want a slice of the SEO pie, in other words you are on your toes.

Changes – There are a lot of changes that came in the market, so for a single keyword, you are on the top and in other days you go down again.

Slow result – SEO has many changes, so you have to be up to date, it takes time to give results.

There are many people who are doing online business from the last many years, but there are many who have just started or planning to start an online business. So when you start any online business, then it would be good to hire an SEO expert to keep your website on the top.

Writer: Kisan Rana, Armed with skilled knowledge regarding SEO and little bit of life, Kishan Rana owns He currently working as a SEO analyst.


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