Tag: SocialImpact
Should I be held responsible for what I believe?
Should I be held responsible for what I believe?
“You become what you believe, not what you think or...
Does War lead to peace?
War, in its most ruthless and destructive forms, has been a persistent aspect of human history. While its extensive suffering is widely...
SHRIKANTH BOLLA movie is really inspirational and motivational movie. The main aim of this movie is 'when there is a will ,there...
From Connectivity to Controversy: Social Media’s Mixed Legacy
Someone rightly said that don't use social media to impress people but rather to impact people. Social media is beneficial and good...
Sasha was a distinguished Chronologist and passionate social media enthusiast residing in the city of New Delhi, profoundly known as the Global...
Behind the Screen: The Power of Algorithm is Influencing Our Beliefs
Imagine our parents’ generation, they didn’t have any phones or video games, and of course, they didn’t have such a thing as...
The Blurring Edges Between The Digital and Physical Worlds and Their...
The development of digital technology, at a breakneck pace, is really overhauling human experience. What had been a separate sphere of the...
सोशल मीडिया : अभिशाप या वरदान
सम्प्रेषण मनुष्य की नैसर्गिक आवश्यकता है. मनुष्य अपनी विविध मनोभावों, अनुभूतियों की अभिव्यक्ति, प्राकृतिक अथवा प्राकृतिक उपादानों के साथ प्रतिदिन संचार के...
Biography of Unsung Heroes: Celebrating the Invisible Champions
In the vast tapestry of human history, countless individuals have made significant contributions to society that have largely gone unrecognized. These unsung...
Unsung Heroes: The Silent Pillars of Society
In every society, amidst the celebrated figures and renowned leaders, there exists a group of individuals whose contributions often go unnoticed. These...