Tag: PrivacyConcerns
“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet just because there is a picture with a quote...
Is social media harmless for us nowadays?
Social media plays a very significant role in our daily life, in various subjects and on various social media platforms. Social media...
Social Media: A boon or a bane
We are in the period where everything has become digitalised. Everything has become digital with the click of our phone. Whether it...
From Connectivity to Controversy: Social Media’s Mixed Legacy
Someone rightly said that don't use social media to impress people but rather to impact people. Social media is beneficial and good...
Impact of Social Media on Society
The following paper, The Impact of Social Media on Society, sets out to discuss how social media is affecting the society in...
Behind the Screen: The Power of Algorithm is Influencing Our Beliefs
Imagine our parents’ generation, they didn’t have any phones or video games, and of course, they didn’t have such a thing as...
The Blurring Edges Between The Digital and Physical Worlds and Their...
The development of digital technology, at a breakneck pace, is really overhauling human experience. What had been a separate sphere of the...
Digital world surfing tools or what is usually called social media are inherent in every human's life. Morning, noon and night are...
Social Media: What Lurks Underneath
Slowly seeping into the minds of children. Extending its claws beyond the screen of a device. Poisoning the once-innocent children and adults....
सोशल मीडिया : अभिशाप या वरदान
सम्प्रेषण मनुष्य की नैसर्गिक आवश्यकता है. मनुष्य अपनी विविध मनोभावों, अनुभूतियों की अभिव्यक्ति, प्राकृतिक अथवा प्राकृतिक उपादानों के साथ प्रतिदिन संचार के...